I think a lot of the backlash against metaposing came from when people would use it to Mean Girls style bash on people with little or no consequence besides more metaposing.
Best posts made by silentsophia
RE: Character Woes
RE: Good Things
I get my tea kettle this weekend and hope my tea arrives soonish. I gotta cut back on the caffeine, but at least there's lots of cool tea.
RE: Feelings of not being wanted...
@Luna said:
I've often felt unwanted. The worst thing though is 'I love RPing with you, but so and so hates you and will get super dramatic about it so I can't' Ph cool. Bad behavior rewarded. Awesome.
Oh hell. I sympathize with that, too. I've had it happen. And the best one is this guy's wife who freaked out because my mage was in a room with her husband's character. IT WAS A SPACE MAGIC TEACHING SCENE, WOMAN.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
To be fair, any time CPS doesn't follow up on a call, it can be reported on them and we've all heard stories on the news where people DID call, no one went out and a few months to years later - well, it's rarely been pretty. I appreciate that an anonymous option exists because if anyone's family is like mine, there will be retaliation if they found out who called.
It sucks that it's abuse-able, but it would suck even worse if people didn't call for fear of revenge.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat Well. She spent 4 hours telling me my character and I (OOCly) were incompetent, unfit, blah blah blah, for a position I had kinda worked towards.
I think it worked out in the end for me, and yes, I treated her kindly even after - I helped her with some of her tasks for her little territory. I just got kinda burned and really could've lived my life without being told I'm stupid, incompetent, and so on. I realize my PC was pretty young for what she was, but eesh.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
Aaand I get a phone call that Medicaid is only for adults with kids. Thanks, fucking Texas.
RE: The Shame Game
Never mind that people with Autism either lucked out and were high functioning enough to do well at some job or another, or they got locked in an asylum/the attic/quietly escorted into the forest instead of diagnosed and helped. Autism is a complex blend of genetic and environmental factors as far as we can tell with the frustrating fact that most non-verbal kids can't TELL you what's happening and that so many neurological issues share similar symptoms (see also: flu-like symptoms and every diagnosis freaking ever).
RE: Do you believe in paranormal things?
Yes. The DMV/DPS is a portal to Hell, and I work in the 10th layer of hell- Retail.
RE: RL Anger
I'm really tired of the 'she uses her sexuality as a WEAPON' argument for fan service.
Dude, she's bouncing her tits at the screen. What kind of weapon is that?? TITS OF COMBAT!? WOOHAAH! Breasts of battle, yoooooowah! Areolas of ATTACK!? Wachaaaaaa! SMITE THAT AUDIENCE!
RE: RL things I love
@SG I dunno, considering a lot of the shitstorm was banning subreddits that were doxxing, harassing and generally being assholes overtly, I think it's fantastic.
We really don't need Stormfront's subreddits or fatpeoplehate or transgender hating subreddits that think trying to drive a 16 year old transperson to suicide is hilarious.
RE: RL things I love
In fairness, PCOS can make it a complete bitch to lose weight. Fatpeoplehate was less about actually helping fat people and more about shaming them, making fun of them and people wishing they would just die. Fatpeoplehate got banned when they doxxed Imgur staff and had a habit of reposting people's private pictures, among other harassing behavior. They were pretty shitty in general - to the point of making fun of people who DID try to better themselves by living healthier and exercising.
But there were also some pretty good fitness and motivation subreddits. And different people sometimes need more reassurance. It is all good. I'm sorry that people have trashed on you for weight loss. That's rough.
Then again, I've had people make some nasty comments about me deciding to eat a burger, so there's that. I imagine more people need to bug off about what others are doing.
RE: RL Anger
I'm gonna start a diet!
RE: RL Anger
I hate feeling like I was incredibly obnoxious during RP, but I'm afraid to ask. Why do I always feel awful after I do something like socialize? Eesh.
And sometimes my family drives me nuts.
RE: RL Anger
I hate people who conflate 'not being a fucking asshole' or accommodating someone with being overly sensitive or LOL POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.
Seriously. Ooh, you're ~honest~ and ~blunt~ and trying to be ~funnay~. No, you're a fucking asshole and a horrible person. Tact is a thing. It's a good thing. Being an asshole doesn't make you cool, witty or ~supar smart~ because you go against the grain~ It makes you a fucking asshole with no sense of empathy or an incredibly lazy asshole.
Maybe it even makes you the whole fucking ass.
Anyone who uses muh soggy knees unironically is also a giant bag of dicks.
RE: Crafts & Things
I sorta started one on old WORA, but kinda grave up. I do knitting, making jams and jellies and baking. I cook, too. I've been kind of dithering on starting a half-fish beanie, since I finished a dice bag and some other small project. I'm indecisive.
And there is a Nyan cat scarf calling my name.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Admiral But just a 'heh' sounds kinda apathetic. >_> I'm with @Thisnameistaken
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@The-Tree-of-Woe I like biology and I like art. But some people don't consider biology a hard science, but fuck those guys. I'll slap 'em with a cactus if they start talking shit. Life is a beautiful, cruel and fascinating work of art.
I also hate it when STEM people act like douches in humanities class, like one chick in a German class I took was like, "UGH I AM AN ENGINEERING MAJOR. I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS HUMANITIES BULLSHIT." Well, gosh. Take a different, easier language then? God forbid someone learn how to communicate, read critically or take up another language. And don't be an asshole in someone's class. You can think that all you want, but saying it in the middle of class and being a completely useless group work partner is asinine.
RE: RL Anger
Someone told me I'm a bad feminist because I dislike Harley in Suicide Squad. Because, you know, a woman comparing her vagina to a clown car is TOTALLY PROGRESSIVE. And she's an obnoxious, fanservicey version of TEEHEE I HAVE ISSUES LULZ.