Wow! I did not expect so many responses so quickly. Thank you, all, for your time and effort in doing so.
@Silver - I did notice Eldritch was staying away from Mage, though only after a great deal of digging. I found this regrettable, but I can understand the reasons. Mage's power seems to be balanced heavily around Paradox, and I guess that can be difficult to monitor / quantify in a MUSH. I wish White Wolf had more splats that allowed people to be so flexible in their character design though (both in powers and in personality,) but this isn't a game breaker. I plan on starting Mortal, wherever I play, and just seeing where that takes me and, more importantly, what group of people that takes me to. Staff is always important. I do like the 2e focus (feels a lot more balanced to me than 1e, particularly when comparing different supernatural templates) and the encouragement of cross-sphere interaction rather than shunning such roleplay. Seems like that would make the game feel larger and more populated relative to a server that isolates the spheres.
@ThatOneDude - Thank you for the warning. Reno's population does preclude me from really giving it a fair chance, at the moment. As for the plots in Eldritch, however, I admit that I actually prefer staff running / facilitating smaller plots for individuals who want to do things that affect the server rather than staff spending their time on large, cumbersome metaplots which leave very little room for true player engagement. In Neverwinter Nights, DM-run "main plots" (as they were often called) tended to be completely railroaded. No diverging paths, no meaningful player decisions or actions / consequences. Perhaps this is not the case with the "main plots" run in MUSHes, though? Thanks again for your advice.
@Coin - You say you (Eldritch) don't want to be "the next big thing." Does this mean that you do not want a larger player base / new players? It seems you'd prefer a lot of niche servers, rather than one where a lot of people with differing views/personalities can clash. Is this correct? I suppose my aversion to small / shrinking player bases is founded upon what often happens when we humans interact with the same people day after day with nothing to shake things up -- we start talking about the weather. Regardless, I appreciate your desire to see all of these places succeed. I wish more people held such goodwill.
@Sunny - My use of the terms was based simply on the Reach website pointing to one successor, while others were ignored by that same medium. It seems I misused them? I wasn't implying that one server had the right to be open and the others didn't -- I do not think this at all, and have experienced similar fracturings in the past with different games (UO shards, NWN servers, etc.) I get that people have different visions, and I whole-heartedly believe anyone who is willing to put forth the effort to realize them, should be able to.
Ah, I had read that New Prospect had no policing / staff interference, but hadn't read the same of City of Hope. That's unfortunate. Much as that would work in an ideal world, I discovered at an early age (thanks to many days of rescuing LEGO princesses and fighting [losing] LEGO wars with friends) that when presented a game/world without rules or referees, my friends had an incessant need to always "win." That's what makes these systems (DnD, WoD, SR, etc) so appealing to me -- the ability to handle conflict resolution in an unbiased (less biased?) manner when people are unable to compromise. Kingsmouth is the Vampire-only world, right? Would you mind telling me what non-WOD game has seen so many people? Thank you for all your insight Sunny.
@Miss-Demeanor - I've never understood the private hideaways. Always felt like that defeated the purpose of roleplaying on a medium like this. I'm not surprised that's a problem on MUSHs as well, but I'll certainly keep an eye out for it, and hopefully I can find some players who are not so inclined to the safety of their private cliques.
@Ganymede - I enjoy the idea of a multi-sphere world, but only when the spheres aren't isolated from one another. However, I do enjoy Vampire more than most spheres, even if some of the lore feels restrictive (never came to terms with the idea of playing a creature that was, in turn, playing at being human stuck in time, incapable of true change from its original personality.) Can't remember if Blood and Smoke loosened that a bit. I didn't know about that Off-Screen System. Just read up on it and find it quite interesting. Seems it would help lighten the load on staff while still aiding in fleshing out a true Vampire experience. Thanks for the recommendation!
@2mspris - Ahh, I heard about the whole EotW thing. In fact, I think that was going on when I first discovered TR. That's cool you guys set up an alternate reality to explore it. Doesn't sound as much like my cup of tea, though, having never played on TR and likewise, the carried-over characters would certainly be daunting for a new player (or maybe that's just me.) Good luck, though, and thank you for the clarification.
I appreciate all the help. All the opinions and points. All your time. I believe I've collected quite a bit of information, even about some servers I hadn't realized existed. If anyone has further advice, I'll certainly consider it. I think Eldritch and Kingsmouth seem the most intriguing as of now, so I'll have to try out both and see if either of them click. Maybe one more, not sure what one. Maybe I won't get that far -- maybe I won't need to.
Thanks again.