I think most people in the hobby-at least on the places I've frequented years, expect to have a sense of community on a MU beyond just the part where you 'play the game'. I think, if I took some of the earlier comments in this thread as intended, the idea might be that if you don't have time to RP you shouldn't even sign on to the game in the first place. I feel that's more a sentiment more suited that MUDs (If you don't have time to xp/craft/whatever, then indeed why are you getting on?) but against the spirit of MUSH/MUX, whose whole purpose is to have a more a social experience in mind for the player.
So that's why I still like having an OOC lounge /in addition/ to channels, to provide that sense of OOC community around the game. In my experience RP happens when people hang out OOC, find folks they like, and talk about getting a scene going rather than wandering the grid and just happening into it (I don't think most games are big enough for that to be viable anymore). Players want to hang out with one another in that capacity I find, so if you remove it they're just going idle on the grid in more selective hangouts instead, and I'd say I've encountered "The grid should really be IC activity only" as an attitude among staff way more than "People should only log on if they're going to play the game".
Anyways, the point of the thread wasn't to discuss whether or not people like OOC lounges on a game, but how to deal with certain people who, frankly, abuse them (along with channels) in a way that is not easily flagged as breaking any sort of hard rule.
If I had to boil it down I suppose it's about something more fundamental on games: How do you discourage the lonely, attention-seeking person a MU always seems to attract from engaging in negative activity in the OOC chatspaces of a game? I have seen people who pretty much only have ever negative things to say (Talking about a video game? Here's why I don't like that, and I'm going to derail the whole subject about why Thing In General does not work for me. TV show? Same deal. Had a fun scene? I had fun once and it was terrible). They can do this on a public channel as easily as an ooc channel, and it in general brings the mood down without edging things over into nebulously defined toxicity because some people who don't know better will just engage them on it while everyone else throws their hands up in frustration and quietly retreats into pages or other more private places where they can vent about the venter.
I like having a community on the game, but I've seen so many instances where someone takes what is meant to be a playspace and turn it into their critical outlet for whatever they can't deal with or handle in life, and just wonder if there is any way to cut that off without making people feel like they are overly policed.