Big news!

We now have a fantastic "Under Construction" website. Thanks @mifuyne for the great work! or

Still working out a definition of the full site.

In other news, the first lines of player facing text were written in the past few days.

From the first frame of cgen:

Your eyes flutter open, your head pounding and your eyes blurry. You blink a few times to clear them, looking around. You quickly realize you are in a virtual reality environment that is nearly indistinguishable from reality, except for the trails of pixels soaring along the walls in every direction.

A floating spark glides over to your hard bed, staring you up and down as it expands and contracts. It speaks in a soft warble, "Greetings, Ego 2837465749. You are booting from dead storage...we will be asking you some questions to determine how much cognitive disruption you sustained while you were cold. Please answer as accurately as possible."

What is your name?