That's not at all what I meant but I guess I can see why you may see that.
My comments have more to do ultimately with how people set-up their wikis then what they do as a PC, though these two things usually tend to be linked.
I generally approach other pcs for this kinda stuff if I have some indication that they want to RP that sorta thing but if their wiki says regardless of the PBs involved or hook content that its not their bag, then I don't because they asked me not to?
If there's no indication either way, I ask OOC if that's something they do generally, would they open to seeing if it might go that route IC, and if they have certain preferences or limits. If they are open to it, a conversation happens and RP happens that either lends to the possibility or clarifies it wouldn't work for IC reasons. If it's a no, then I take no for an answer and RP with them and don't push that line of RP IC or OOC.
My comments were more about hypersexual wikis where the PBs and language used indicates that your PC has some kind of hypersexualized situation going on as a major feature of the PC-- eg, Jane the PC is an escort. Most of her PBs are sexualized pictures and most of the hooks presented have to do with her job as a escort in some fashion and not much else.
If you're presenting this as a large part of your PCs thing in the IC world but make it OOCly clear that you won't abide any RP that might address the hooks presented, especially if it's overtly sexual, and there's not much else that appears left over in terms of hooks, it leaves the other player at something of a loss. You could always ask what else they want to RP about but my curiosity is more about why you would make a wiki that focuses heavily on a part of your PC you don't want to RP about.
It's not really about,to me if you can or should RP that concept, it's more about the wiki packaging. If the primary way you're attempting to recruit RP interest in your character focuses on a part of your PC you don't want RP about at all (and I don't mean just TS), why make a wiki all about that? You can certainly mention it as a hook in a different presentation and still make it clear that that aspect of the character is off screen. I've played PCs that have adult themes going on that I didnt really want to spend time focusing IC time on but I didn't make a wiki that was all about the stuff I didn't want to not RP about.
Does this make it hopefully clearer what I meant?