CyberSphere - Dead or Alive?
Heres a shout in the dark. I'm to lazy to log on and try to make a new account (worst part about CS is the fucking hoops you have to jump through for an account - fuck I remember when they encouraged using an ISP provided email address.) Is Cybersphere active at all? I can't find a daily connection count online anywhere. I see a few posts on the forums but not much.
What is CyperSphere?
It is my understanding the CS is still alive. It is a cyberpunk MUSH/MOO? which is where Sindome spun off from. I was in contact with Rain 2 months ago and he seemed to be trying to loop in old players to return and new players to try out the game.
@Cobaltasaurus said:
What is CyperSphere?
Cyberpunk game. So Shadowrun without magic or funky races. Gibson and Ghost in the Shell. Heavily player vs player focused. While RP does happen its a little fast paced so big poses don't happen to often. Really fun though.
@Jeshin said:
It is my understanding the CS is still alive. It is a cyberpunk MUSH/MOO? which is where Sindome spun off from. I was in contact with Rain 2 months ago and he seemed to be trying to loop in old players to return and new players to try out the game.
Gotcha. I think they might see a resurgence in CyberPunk what with CDProject's new CyberPunk game coming after their massive success with the Witcher. They should see about making cyberpshere more accessible to newbies.
Also whats Sindome? Never heard of it before. Is it active? And does it have some kind of bad history with CS?
Sindome is a MOO run by Johnny. They recently had their Head GM (Cerberus) step down and are going through some kind of policy/standards change in how they handle storytelling. It probably has 20-30 players average and is very RP oriented. They have some neat coded systems and the staff takes a lot of time to animate NPCs to interact with players to supplement their coded support. It's kind of like a cross between MOO/MUD so it's a good inbetween if you're kind of looking for an easy fit.
Their history with CS isn't really known to me. All I know is that the playerbases used to be one on CS and when Sindome was made due to differing staffing philosophies or something that a goodly chunk of players migrated to the new game. I don't think there's bad blood.
My GF Hex plays there everynight, sometimes it's 2 am in the morning before she's done with all her crazy cyberpunk RPs. She has pretty good taste.
I will have to check it out. I only ask about possible bad blood because when I hear "spinoff" from other MU* that's what I think of. Cyberpunk is my first love of this hobby. Nothing has ever come close to it, I don't know why. Its the only setting that feels perfect for the medium.
CS had some fairly unique policies and ways of doing things I've not seen elsewhere, admittedly. It was never what I'd call a bad place, though I was there a very long time ago so can't speak to what it has been in the interim. A lot of fun players there who were -- again, at the time -- only ever there and only ever interested in being there, which I think says a lot for a game.
I've played on CS off and on for 15 years. It's a game with a lot of nostalgia value for me.
I agree it needs to be more newbie friendly, however, there is the caveat that you can make 'basic characters' that require no cgen approval and run around the grid doing crazy stuff. And if you decide you like your basic character, you can write up a background/public file for them and get your stats boosted to regular-character levels later on.
So that's a sort of newbie friendly, as long as you accept that death isn't a bad thing. The old 'Find out ICly' mantra of old is gone too. There's also a newbie help channel and OOC channel.
But on the whole, new players are thrown in the mix without a lot of support.
RE: Sindome - Screw Sindome. Johnny is a douche who stole all his code from other people. He even stole his @doing messages from other players, he's that douchy.
cant kill cs no matter how hard we all try
Arise Colossus!!!
Let the game die already.
Staff basically removed the economy from the game. There's no conflict. There's no struggle. It's just... an idle game. Let it die.
CyberSphere: Release your code to us, you dead game. I want to poke at your innards.