If you time jump, though, your store will not upgrade to the largest store (which is only one up from Nook's Cranny'). I couldn't figure out why my store has stayed the same, even though I've been on more than 30 days since it upgraded, spent over 200,000 bells and had Label a bunch of times. Then someone mentioned that. You need to play 30 days straight without time jumping.

Best posts made by RedJellyBean
RE: Crossing Animals!
RE: Um...What?
@emmahsue I was just thinking the same thing. He mentions getting a mystery package, then doesn't update everyone on what it is!
RE: New Animal Crossing New Horizons Content - Who's Hyped?
@cobalt I have the ACNH Switch, as well. Got it for Christmas last year, but never set it up because I hate the Lite and was playing that. Then moved, so finally set up the Switch. And I was playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword on the Lite and having trouble reading the text. Didn't realize how much stuff I was missing until I actually started playing on a big TV.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is another good one if people haven't played it. Plus, there's a second game coming out next year.
Latest posts made by RedJellyBean
RE: Final Fantasy
@sunny I'm definitely going to look into it now. It's either get into FF online and play, or try to find a MU* and I've had no luck with that. I miss RPing, too.
RE: Final Fantasy
@sunny I may have to try it now. One of the big things holding me back is that I'm really bad grouping with people for dungeons and stuff. I played WoW and avoided all that stuff, because of it, but it stalled my play because I needed to go into some places to further the story. So I ended up dropping WoW. Then again, WoW is full of little jerks that get pissy if you're not quick enough and I hated that.
RE: Final Fantasy
I've wanted to try this game, but I'm so bad at online games like this. I used to play WoW, but would never join the public stuff, or groups, because I'm slow and people would get mad at me for taking too long. But then it gets kind of boring just doing everything on your own.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2021 Edition
@aria Well said, Aria. I plan on watching Golden Girls tonight. Always one of my favourite shows that I'll pull out when I'm feeling down.
RE: New Animal Crossing New Horizons Content - Who's Hyped?
@tiredewok You are awesome. Thank you! Also, I need to add your friend code. My island is still kind of sad, though. I don't have a whole lot.
RE: New Animal Crossing New Horizons Content - Who's Hyped?
So, for those playing the new DLC stuff... has anyone figured out the cooking thing yet? I don't have the materials to make the cooking station that's in the recipes, but I figure I need that. But... how do you get all the various ingredients? I haven't figured that part out just yet.
RE: New Animal Crossing New Horizons Content - Who's Hyped?
@cobalt I have the ACNH Switch, as well. Got it for Christmas last year, but never set it up because I hate the Lite and was playing that. Then moved, so finally set up the Switch. And I was playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword on the Lite and having trouble reading the text. Didn't realize how much stuff I was missing until I actually started playing on a big TV.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is another good one if people haven't played it. Plus, there's a second game coming out next year.
RE: New Animal Crossing New Horizons Content - Who's Hyped?
@tiredewok I'm bad about time traveling. I don't have the patience to wait for each new day to start and just play it for awhile at a time. I run out of stuff to do too quickly, so I go forward a day.
The new content should be a lot of fun. Too bad it's the last free download, but I'm buying the DLC stuff, as well. I figure working on resort islands should be hours and hours of fun. It will suck up all my time.
RE: New Animal Crossing New Horizons Content - Who's Hyped?
@tiredewok Me! I just started playing it on the Switch, so brand new island. I had forgotten how much the early days sucked of having nothing, but I'm looking forward to the new content.
Searching For A Game
So, I've pretty much strictly played oWoD/nWoD my entire MU*ing career (so, 20+ years now). I love RPIng and have a lot of fun with it, but as we all know, there are fewer and fewer WoD games out there these days.
I thought I'd try branching out a bit and get some suggestions from people on possible games to try out that maybe aren't WoD. Hopefully a game with active players that would be welcoming of a newbie to the genre.
Anyone have any suggestions of a place to look into? Thanks in advance.
Also, if there are WoD games out there that are active, please let me know!