I wanted to make a getaway driver. He always shows up right after you got into a shootout and the police are en route. He's a foreigner from whereverthefuckistan, speaks broken English, has Stunt Driver and a bunch of other stats to that effect. As far as equipment is concerned, he has a modified taxi cab (probably illegally so), and has a pile of useful goodies from past customers. To justify always showing up at the right times, use Fate magic or something like it, and to justify meeting this character time and time again, you always seem to leave one of your valuable items (like an Artifact or Fetish or whatever) in his cab. Everyone does. Good luck finding him, though, until of course you rob your next bank or whatever.

Best posts made by Anonymous
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
@Glitch Oh I know they weren't concerned with MU*s/WoD, I'm just stating their likely reasoning and of course why it simply doesn't apply to us.
Turning off reputation may or may not be a good approach. It does amount to a popularity contest on a forum where everybody recognizes the other's usernames, and will up/downvote them whenever a post is made.
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
@EmmahSue That just kind of makes the reputation system an echo chamber. If you and your clique think someone is a shithead, you can just downvote everything they post so that their opinion matters less in the system. It's basically a hardcoded version of everything wrong with MU*s/Chats.
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
@Glitch I can't see who downvoted you by hovering. I think this is a feature, and not a bug, to protect the privacy of naysayers. It's about keeping the environment as non-toxic as possible, which is a farcical goal in the WoD online "community."
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
@EmmahSue Since it's impossible to enforce, the reality is that up/down voting is like/dislike. It's like Plebbit, but written in NodeJS.
Latest posts made by Anonymous
RE: RL Anger
@2mspris Fuck cheese pizza. That shit needs to stay taboo.
RE: Full spoilers: Iron Fist
There are two things to consider here:
From what I gather, Iron Fist sucks. This isn't surprising because it's capeshit, and capeshit almost always sucks. I haven't watched it but going by the opinions of my friends this is the case.
Tons of cringetastic leftyloo reviewers seem upset about the idea that a white guy doing kung fu.
Bearing this in mind I've elected to give it five stars on Netflix to contribute to the eternal triggering of authoritarian leftoids, but not actually watch it. Then I get to have my cake and eat it too.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
I wanted to make a getaway driver. He always shows up right after you got into a shootout and the police are en route. He's a foreigner from whereverthefuckistan, speaks broken English, has Stunt Driver and a bunch of other stats to that effect. As far as equipment is concerned, he has a modified taxi cab (probably illegally so), and has a pile of useful goodies from past customers. To justify always showing up at the right times, use Fate magic or something like it, and to justify meeting this character time and time again, you always seem to leave one of your valuable items (like an Artifact or Fetish or whatever) in his cab. Everyone does. Good luck finding him, though, until of course you rob your next bank or whatever.
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
@EmmahSue Since it's impossible to enforce, the reality is that up/down voting is like/dislike. It's like Plebbit, but written in NodeJS.
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
@EmmahSue That just kind of makes the reputation system an echo chamber. If you and your clique think someone is a shithead, you can just downvote everything they post so that their opinion matters less in the system. It's basically a hardcoded version of everything wrong with MU*s/Chats.
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
@Glitch Oh I know they weren't concerned with MU*s/WoD, I'm just stating their likely reasoning and of course why it simply doesn't apply to us.
Turning off reputation may or may not be a good approach. It does amount to a popularity contest on a forum where everybody recognizes the other's usernames, and will up/downvote them whenever a post is made.
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
@Glitch I can't see who downvoted you by hovering. I think this is a feature, and not a bug, to protect the privacy of naysayers. It's about keeping the environment as non-toxic as possible, which is a farcical goal in the WoD online "community."
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
What is it with all this shit about rape RP? Who the fuck wants to roleplay that? I don't get it