Actually no, but I've been tempted to poke my head in there since it seems pretty popular. I've almost exclusively been Star Trek and Pern, although a few other MU*s have tempted me over the years.
Anyone can declare Priscus independently. The guy who claimed it for Nos and named Tully as whip did not even consult Tully about that. đ And has not replied to OOC or IC inquires thus far!
Why does it seem that female staffers have it out for female players/characters? They missed the GIRL POWER and all that? Besides I'm not trying to RL start anything with anyone. Hell, I feel bad for the one time I stole someone IC because I didn't know OOC. Ah well. Okay. I find some days she's great and others she's less than great, but good to know it's not just me.