Some things should be open to all, some not... If you're not allowed to know your accuser, there should never be more than just a sternly worded page to you. That being said, I can see an argument for keeping identities secret. I just had the pleasure of having a 'Dominant Alpha Male' as he called himself, thrown from a mush because he was trolling every female characterbit (assuming said person was a female IRL) to become a submissive for his harem, and not getting a clue when most of them would tell him to GTFO.
So meh, where do you draw the line? Can I be frankly honest and say that anything you say to anyone in a mush setting will get told to someone else, no matter how much you say 'oh this is hush hush, just between you and me' mushers are gossipers. I can count on one hand the number of the umpteen hundred mushers I've played with, that I could actually believe would keep a secret. Sometimes I tell wicked lies just to see how long it takes before someone will spread it, then I make sure to let them know they failed that test. Yes I am a bastard.
Staff discussions, they're shared with everyone, everyone knows what you said, everyone knows what is going on behind the scenes, to pretend otherwise, not only makes you hypocritical when you make a big announcement saying quite the opposite of what happened. It is just the way it is. So, do you need transparency in some things? Maybe? But to me, the biggest thing is, when you approach someone from a Staff/OOC perspective, be honest. Honesty is probably the biggest thing that negates the need for transparency.
If everyone was honest with each other and upfront and straightforward, we could probably quash most of the issues that hamper mushing today.
Also, 'you' in this case, is a generalized 'you' not you specifically ES. 😄