Dec 9, 2017, 3:51 PM

@apos said in Alternative Formats to MU:

I personally feel that the amount of dinosaurs like that is pretty tiny compared to the people that would get introduced into MUs with a web only format. Downloading a client is a big bar for entry for some people, let alone archaic command line interfaces in telnet.

I just wish built-in web clients supported some sort of logging. I feel like there's a place to be all "bind your Dropbox account to your game account" using Dropbox's API, give it access to just an Apps/<whatever> directory, and let the server write logs there for you when you click the 'log' button. Et voila, they even show up on your computer for easy searching, too.

Arx's logging of scheduled events is awesome, but only works if there's already an event scheduled. Ares' scene system is great, but I think all scenes are all public, and on some games—anything involving secrets, PvP, etc.—you don't want every scene publicly readable.