@sparks said in Mass Effect MU*?:
Resigned question: Does this mean no performance of Hamlet.
Drunken, effusive exclamation: Alas, poor Yorick.
@sparks said in Mass Effect MU*?:
Resigned question: Does this mean no performance of Hamlet.
Drunken, effusive exclamation: Alas, poor Yorick.
@ganymede said in Mass Effect MU*?:
@sparks said in Mass Effect MU*?:
Resigned question: Does this mean no performance of Hamlet.
Drunken, effusive exclamation: Alas, poor Yorick.
I had a Mass Effect audio drama I was going to make with friends, set in C-Sec, and one of the running jokes was a really terrible news channel on the Citadel that one of the characters insisted on watching, where the news anchors were an elcor and a vorcha.
@sparks said in Mass Effect MU*?:
I had a Mass Effect audio drama I was going to make with friends, set in C-Sec, and one of the running jokes was a really terrible news channel on the Citadel that one of the characters insisted on watching, where the news anchors were an elcor and a vorcha.
There will be a company-wide channel, represented by a channel on-game. I will expressly permit people to make up DJs and other personae to have "radio shows," if that's what they want to do.
Because I really can't stop laughing about your idea. I mean, could you imagine a Elcor Maury Povich show?
Maury: Exasperated and exhausted. Today, on Maury, we again produce more Asari of questionable morals looking for their children's fathers or mothers. Suicidal and chagrinned. I used to be a well-known celebrity once.
@ganymede said in Mass Effect MU*?:
Because I really can't stop laughing about your idea. I mean, could you imagine a Hanar Maury Povich show?
I think you meant Elcor, but yes, that's brilliant.
(Though I can imagine the Hanar having a televangelist who wants to talk about the Enkindlers.)
@sparks said in Mass Effect MU*?:
@ganymede said in Mass Effect MU*?:
Because I really can't stop laughing about your idea. I mean, could you imagine a Hanar Maury Povich show?
I think you meant Elcor, but yes, that's brilliant.
This one suspects the babydaddy of disrespecting the Enkindlers.
@ganymede Your betrayal will not be forgotten, Earth-clan. fsshh And we have powerful friends.
Is there a website or connect info for this project?
@ganymede said in Mass Effect MU*?:
Drell, I'm okay with, but I'm pretty sure that, in canon, they are sort of rare. Then again, on a game where your race may not mean a lot system-wise, whatever, right?
They are just rare off the Hanar homeworld as their race is generally xenophobic.
@magee101 said in Mass Effect MU*?:
Is there a website or connect info for this project?
No, there is not.
Project remains in progress. The holiday season has made life difficult. The partner demands time with me, and I must oblige.
After that, sure.