Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Aria Aaaaaaaahm. Be cool? The game's only taking apps for roster PCs while staff is on a break until August. However, there are a ton of characters on the roster. If you pop on at some point and have particular types of PCs you like playing, people will generally be able to help point you at some suggestions on the roster.
If you app, ask about the @randomscene command, cause you'll have access to a two-week window where you can basically collect a nice amount of newbie bonus XP.
Probably one of the hugest strengths of the games is the depth and mystery of the lore and metaplot, and IMO it does benefit from not sharing OOCly the many secrets you'll come across ICly. (This was hard for me. I am used to games where literally every log gets posted.) Arx actively sets up its systems and structure so that you only have OOC access to things your character would have IC access to/knowledge of, so I think it works out better when you lean into that.
There are dangers on the game from both NPCs and PCs, but it looks like you've been around the WoD block, so you probably won't have the adjustment shock I did coming to realize some of the PVP elements.
(That said: those elements are pretty carefully controlled. Players are not given leeway to go murder whoever they want just cause. I say that as someone who's been pretty critical of some of the PVP structural setup and advertising both on this forum and to staff directly.)
Whatever character you pick up will have family and/or org connections, so utilize those! There's a pretty strong welcoming vibe on the game, helping to acclimate new folks instead of giving them a hard time for getting a title wrong or something. There is an Info channel that I lurk in wait on that is great for asking questions after you have an approved PC.
Okay! Those are some things I feel like I'd want to know coming in. Speaking with the experience of having at one point done the opposite of some of them and redirected.
@Roz said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
There is an Info channel that I lurk in wait on that is great for asking questions after you have an approved PC.
For real, Roz is quick draw with the info. I frequently tell people that if they have questions, to not hesitate to ask and that if I don't know the answer, I'll get it from someone who does. That is Roz.
@Faceless said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Roz said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
There is an Info channel that I lurk in wait on that is great for asking questions after you have an approved PC.
For real, Roz is quick draw with the info. I frequently tell people that if they have questions, to not hesitate to ask and that if I don't know the answer, I'll get it from someone who does. That is Roz.
I'm competitive.
To add to Roz's advice: Don't be afraid to ask for help; it's an original theme, and almost everyone feels a little lost and confused at first when they're dropped in the deep end. Other players (and the staff) are usually willing to assist.
I mean, now I think I get the theme pretty well, to the point that I get asked for help by other players both ICly and OOCly. (Even if I have basically an Evernote of Crazy, which is the digital equivalent of a Wall of Crazy with string connecting all the maps and pictures and clippings.) But when I started, I spent the first month and change having to flail at Apostate in a panic every so often when people cornered Aislin to ask about thematic things, having to page him going, "Uhm. What the hell is an X, and have I ever heard of it ICly? Help!"
....thanks to autocorrect, I just accidentally asked my friend if he would like to "Play at Sex, maybe."
@Aria Autocorrect is quite possibly the devil. But that's a good one.
@Aria I mean, just keep it out of public rooms and it's fine!
Totally off topic but I thought of it because of the auto correct thing.
A couple of days ago my phone auto corrected mess to merp ... I am pretty sure that means it just rolled on the fumble chart and lost an arm. -
@Aria You missed the important part, what was his answer?
@KDraygo -- He laughed and asked if it was a Freudian slip.
- topic:timeago_later,4 months
Upgrade to latest version of evennia and merge should be done, and the game's back up. Let us know if you have any weird problems. Things look all right so far.
@apos -- I did not get my usual summary of bulletin board posts when logging in.
@aria Yeah some of the permissions are wonky and Tehom is looking at it. Along similar lines, if a command has seemed to vanish, let us know, since it would be related to the same issue.
@apos - Yeah, just saw the conversation on Info and started contributing there.
- topic:timeago_later,about a month
Is there a way for a player to set a custom alias? I am curious if I could alias @@ to IDLE or whatever version of built in timer that ARX has as I use it (stupidly) as a global but do not have it in me right now to go set up individual timers for every site.
@lithium Check out 'help nick' on the game.
@roz Thanks!
@Roz, @Lithium Actually, while
can be customized on the Server level, it's the only exception to how commands are handled in Evennia. It's caught far earlier than other commands since it literally does nothing but updates the idle timers. So no, a user's personalnick
setting won't affect it. Arx needs to extend theIDLE_COMMAND
setting as a list including@@
If that's to be supported.
Griatch - topic:timeago_later,22 days
Brand new to the game! Also haunting the info channel like a specter at the feast, because somanycommands and somanythemefiles and I apped a PC who should know things (might have been a mistake, but getting hooked in hasn't been a problem).
Good things:
- People have been generally receptive to RP, and working out connections that my PC might have with theirs prior to him going IC.
- Good OOC respect for all: my PC was in an +event scene last night, and I didn't feel crowded out by the noble PCs, even though he's a commoner. He even asked a question! Similarly, I haven't felt shunted out by noble PCs or players, though I've been dividing my time between noble and commoner RP.
- I've punched up
oneETA: two of his stats already from the XP I got on Sunday (when I apped the character), and I don't feel hindered in advancement (though we'll see in two weeks, once I come off @randomscene). Then again, I don't play a combat PC.
- Please set up a way, if possible, to page shortened names. Sure, that can lead to mispages, but it would be about 1000% (totally real percentage!) easier to me to page foo=Stuff instead of page foobartholicus=stuff
- @clues should auto-refresh with new PCs: some of mine I know are defunct. Others, I'm just wild-ass guessing whether they are or aren't. Investigative PCs should (maybe randomly?) have new @clues added. This is being worked on, though.
- Does the startup gear (I forget the command) include stuff you can have made from crafter PCs? If not, it should, as it would be a nice way to RP with them and get them some decent crafting tasks while new PCs have money to burn.
- Themefile wiki, or an updated glossary with bullet points from the themefile, would be spectacular. I think I know about 25% of it, but it's still a morass to work through.
- I'm still not sure how journals work (not white vs black, but the thematic nature of them). I play a PC that probably wouldn't do much writing in journals, and I don't OOCly see the point, to be honest. But, from references made, they seem to be IC as much as OOC. Will I get penalized for not using them?
- I have zero interest in pretty ANSI described clothing. Is there a functional bonus to wearing a fancy tiara? My PC is in the "wouldn't bother IC" camp, but if there is a functional reason (does it affect stats?) for him to have better clothes (I know steelsilk etc., but the rest of it?), let me know.
Also, I'm Derovai (at least 2.0, maybe 3.0). Hi.