@wretched I am one of those assholes that does a ton of graphics and has pined for a cintiq I will never acquire for...ever, since I now have not drawn anything in way longer than I care to admit. (I suck at graphics tablet; I actually never did classic video games, so while my hand-eye coordination rocks on paper, my distance-based hand-eye coordination that a standard graphics tablet relies on? SUCKS.) I've used the logitech thumb-side trackballs since they came out, and love the hell out of them since they're fairly precise and I'm 20+/- years of used to them. We'll be picking up the new one of those when it's time (or when this one dies, if it dies before that).
MU Things I Love
@ganymede said in MU Things I Love:
MU* Partner: Are you a changeling?
MePC: in paranoid rage turns and strikes for 6L! Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to break half of your ribs!
MU* Partner: Holy shit! I'm glad I didn't ask about your spending habits!And the day's young.
I guess spending habits are one of the universal 'issues' for couples to debate, across all walks of real and not real life
@gingerlily It is. Real conversation from earlier in the day:
Me: Look at the thing I just sent you! SHINY!
Husband: Shiny, yes, but ouch. Also: no. Bad Dee.
Me: I know. I eat keyboards for breakfast. I no can has. But... I...
Husband: If you do it, so help me god, I'm ordering that black vintage bass from Japan.
Me: <lipwobble> I'm still parking it in my amazon cart in case of sudden windfall!(I really do go through 1-2 keyboards a year, a $220 keyboard is not a smart use of $. But but but... )
@surreality pets his Corsair K70 RGB. and his backup one that he got when he spilled water/tea on the first (PSA: Uncapping and burying a keyboard in rice for a week works!)
@wretched https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078915Q1P is it. It makes me want to cry it's so pretty. I am a sucker for copper just... beyond. (They have a few other versions that are pretty, too, but OMFG copper and black leather.)
@surreality Oh hello there, how /you/ doin'. Mechanical, Backlit, /and/ fancy neat looking? You wanna come to my hotel room at 3 am for an audition you sexy keyboard you...
@wretched I KNOW. There's a black one, too. And a woodgrain and gunmetal one. I just... those motherfuckers so help me gods I don't have money for that!
If I believed it'd survive longer than my usual keyboards (3 months to a year)... I dunno, though, I mean, it looks more durable than the basic mac magic keyboards? (Which are the ones I keep murdering to death on the regular.)
You just sit in the cart and wait until somebody buys one of the expensive necklaces, keyboard!
In the only case of my suggesting this: Get the plan.
Make sure the store will take a thing back if you destroy the keyboard through the mere act of typing.
If they say 'no', shop elsewhere, because seriously.
@thenomain Oh yes, the plan is sitting with it in the cart, staring at me. I have $100 from Xmas I was told I was NOT TO SPEND ON ANYTHING REMOTELY PRACTICAL, so I'm allowing for that. <shifty-eyes>
I keep thinking: hmm, it's not like I couldn't just, say, set it aside as a 'RP only' or 'dev writing only' keyboard, and keep murderfacing the magics on the regular. And while the mouse we're replacing the current one with will work across 2 computers (all the
for that, btw), the keyboards wonnnnnnnnn't without extra foo/special software/etc., and... and... and...
@surreality Yeah I also spend too much on mice. the 12 side button MMO mice are amazing, especially if you get the mechanical buttons and they light up and and... ugh. Even if I'm not playing an MMO, most PC games I can make do, just having everything at a thumb click. hnngh.
@wretched I am one of those assholes that does a ton of graphics and has pined for a cintiq I will never acquire for...ever, since I now have not drawn anything in way longer than I care to admit. (I suck at graphics tablet; I actually never did classic video games, so while my hand-eye coordination rocks on paper, my distance-based hand-eye coordination that a standard graphics tablet relies on? SUCKS.) I've used the logitech thumb-side trackballs since they came out, and love the hell out of them since they're fairly precise and I'm 20+/- years of used to them. We'll be picking up the new one of those when it's time (or when this one dies, if it dies before that).
@surreality I will never be able to afford a cintique, I usually get refurbished wacom tablets on amazon, usually a generation behind.
@wretched This, though I stopped picking them up a while ago. I will have to snoop around a little for, uh, the two years from now budget. (Computer this year, displays and camera body next year, and I feel like the underpants gnomes where there's a big ol' "... " "Profit!" on the list.)
Inspired by, but not entirely appropriate to post to the Social Systems thread.
Reading that thread made me remember one of the most satisfying and enjoyable 'social manipulation' sequences I've ever had on a MU*. It was on Darkwater (Changeling version, using CoD rules), and used the Doors system. My character, an underworld smuggler with some legitimate business concerns as cover, ended up crossing/getting up into the face of another character. Both were Lost, and the other character decided to put my character over a barrel by undermining and influencing his mortal connections in order to get him to do...something. I've actually forgotten what. So, we used the Doors system, and I laid out and ran several mini-scenes where the character had a chance to meet up with specific connections my character had, and woo them to her side. Each success opened a door on my character, and when all doors were opened, she confronted him and revealed just how screwed he was, and got the concessions.
It was great fun, and I loved having a chance to explore that sort of social maneuvering. And my character ended up respecting and liking hers a great deal, because she was both clever, and gracious in victory. It was just fantastic, even though my character 'lost'.
I had one of those scenes last night that remind me why I love RP over just writing on my own despite the frustration and irritation of interaction with other players sometimes. The scene took a turn that I didn't see coming and deepened what was already an awesome story. It's my favorite type of story as well; less about being a bad ass (though those are fun) and more about the ties between characters and the emotional consequences of those ties. This has been one of my all time favorite RP stories ever.
@stabeest Last night I walked into a scene with a mental checklist of three things my char wanted to accomplish. The third being to break up with the guy (after he's agreed to the other things, of course), and then the opposite happened. It was great. I loved it!
Big ups to folks who keep IC antagonism IC and maintain a cheerful OOC environment all round. Fairen/Harlan/new-Grazia@Arx (didn't know old-Grazia!), here's looking at you! It is so much easier to have a scene where characters openly dislike each other when everyone's on the same page about it being strictly IC. Frappuccinos for all! (I would if I could.)
@fortydeuce said in MU Things I Love:
Big ups to folks who keep IC antagonism IC and maintain a cheerful OOC environment all round. Fairen/Harlan/new-Grazia@Arx (didn't know old-Grazia!), here's looking at you! It is so much easier to have a scene where characters openly dislike each other when everyone's on the same page about it being strictly IC. Frappuccinos for all! (I would if I could.)
This is the best thing, I swear. Give me some drama and conflict in-story, without it being a thin veneer over OOC nerdrage.
@fortydeuce No worries, man.
@zarkon >.>
But yeah, I was so glad that everyone was chill OOC, because that was definitely a scene that could have gone off the rails really easily, and we held it together. Go (all four of) us! -
I'm very happy to see all these Shout in the Dark threads waking up with people's new characters, especially newer accounts. Not only does that mean we might be seeing more - and new - MUSHers in general, it also signals people are interested in catching up and networking, which I seriously love to see MSB being used for.
That and spreading horrible cat memes, but also the other thing.