@mr-johnson Hey as long as it's something you're excited to do, can create stories for, and give people a platform to do the same and treat them fairly, you'll do great.
A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
@mr-johnson Hey as long as it's something you're excited to do, can create stories for, and give people a platform to do the same and treat them fairly, you'll do great.
@apos I'm a very strong proponent of "Treat others the way you want to be treated" even if I'm not always great at it. I'd like to think at least I can be fair. My only worry is being the only staffer.
@kanye-qwest said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
@roz I don't even know what a mandalorian is.
@templari Is that a reaction or an example?
@tinuviel Could be both, after all very few actual mandalorians are mandalorians. :L
@mr-johnson All Mandalorians are Mandalorians. Very few are Taung. Nationality vs Ethnicity (which is an interesting thing to explore when done right.)
@tinuviel I tip my hat to you good sir.
@mr-johnson M'andalor
@tinuviel During the Mandalorian Wars, quite a few are Taung, actually, including Mandalor the Ultimate. This was, of course, the era where the Taung began accepting Mandalorians besides themselves or a few others.
@seraphim73 There were a few, yeah. But most of the clans were decimated during the Great Sith War that preceded the Mandalorian Wars. And there would be even fewer at the tail end of the Mandalorian Wars especially given the aggressive recruiting of interested non-Taung into their ranks.
@tinuviel Right, by the end of the Mandalorian Wars, there were almost no Taung left, and they were on their way into extinction. But from my understanding, there were still lots of Taung at the start of the Mandalorian Wars -- but most everything I remember about the era is from Wookieepedia.
@seraphim73 Yup. But this game is apparently to be set in the twilight of the Wars.
@tinuviel That's the plan anyway. Still open to changing that depending on the feedback.
I'm super stoked at the idea of playing another KOTOR-era game.
And @Seraphim73 has basically been bouncing around all day about this, so. There's that.
The one idea I know he mentioned to me, but maybe didn't see, was the idea of starting with all the Force Users as Jedi and then the splinter happens with Revan. That is just beautiful from a storyteller perspective.
@mr-johnson No no, I think setting it at the end of the Mandalorian Wars is kind of brilliant. Give it like 6 months there, and then skip ahead a year to the return of the Revanchist. Gives 6 months to make connections between PCs and to get the L3-4s up closer to Prestige Classes. Then you get the fall toward Sith Apprentice of those with Revan, and the 'but we didn't really want war,' and 'what the heck happened to our friends' from those who stayed with the Order. As @GirlCalledBlu noted, it's storytelling gold.
Well I was thinking if we go end of the Mandalorian war we'd start with Independent Mandalorian, and Jedi/republic for our three factions, then after the time jump switch over to Sith, Jedi, Independent.
Well, if it's the end of the War, Revan's splinter group would already have formed and been fighting the whole time. BUT they'd be the kinds of Jedi most people would want to play, rather than those taking a back seat to it all.
@tinuviel said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
Well, if it's the end of the War, Revan's splinter group would already have formed and been fighting the whole time. BUT they'd be the kinds of Jedi most people would want to play, rather than those taking a back seat to it all.
If that's a problem I also wouldn't see a problem with playing through the whole of the Mandalorian war, and allowing people to experience it in say 1 second OOC=4 seconds IC so we go through it at a decent clip but still let people play the mando vs Jedi angle for a while before we do the time skip then have Sith vs Jedi for the main brunt of the game?
Again these are all just ideas, I'm trying to throw thoughts at the wall and see what grabs people.
@mr-johnson Well, you wouldn't have to change anything. I was just making the point that the split would already have happened by this point - but not to the point of falling to the dark and all that jazz. You'd have War Veteran Jedi (who would likely be the higher level folks) and you'd have Stay-At-Home Jedi who would probably be lower levelled. That might cause an issue if you want to run Jedi-focused stuff that's all-inclusive.
Well, assuming that the game isn't going with the "every Jedi who fought in the war went with Revan and became Sith" angle because it limits who can join in on the first part of the game, I think that around 6 RL months is just about right for setting up the end of the Mandalorian War (with Jedi/Republic, Indy, and Mando as the three factions) and then time-skipping a year to having Jedi/Republic, Indy (including surviving Mandos), and Sith as the three factions as the Sith come back to the Galaxy and the Jedi Civil War begins. That allows new Jedi/Republic players to either be those who originally stayed home, or those who fought peripherially with the Revanchists if they want, but probably not with the main fleets.
I think if you try to play through the whole Mandalorian War, you're going to lose focus from where it sounds like you want it: the Jedi Civil War. Plus, 4:1 time is harsh, and gets awkward if there aren't plots often enough (especially the big events, and at 4:1 time, in 6 months you'd get half the Mandalorian war).