I wish I had more meaty and faster updates. I'm waning, guys. Trying to putter along, and I just continue to think I've just bitten off more than I can chew.
But, here we are. I'm still pushing, and going to write today while I try to determine if the server I'm on currently is going to be back, or if I'm going to migrate to digitalocean...
Working on the 'what is a vampire/what is vampire society/how is a normal city-state set up under the Republic of the Night' section today. Once I knock this out, which is the next-biggest section to get out of my brain and onto paper, I think the rest will go much more quickly.
I will admit: I've cleaved myself back from some of the concepts I was debating on 'CvC social conflict'. Or rather, rejigged my thoughts on them. Rather than having social conflict done in that manner on a one-on-one scale (though it can still be done with a contest, it's not something akin to social combat again), I'm focusing more on things like Influence. I'm hoping to do it in such a way that is 1) fun for players, and 2) doesn't turn into the nightmare that RfK's stuff was. Here's to hoping!
Writing Music For Today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BQBmmJKKsE