Marsilikos Mu*
I am debating trying out Marsilikos. I have made no decisions on whether I'll join or not. Or what I'll play if I do. so, I thought I would give a post and see if anyone would like to join and/or are on the game and has something specific they would like played (I do better at playing off what someone else would like to see/have around). Let me know if this is something you'd consider and we can work together to figure out something!
@icanbeyourmuse I've looked at it, but have never read the books so am not really comfortable just diving into a theme I am utterly unfamiliar with.
A Kushiel game set in !Marseille instead of the capital? I am interested and will have to remember to give it a go at least when it is not ten to midnight here.
I have no idea if it is any good or not though.
@lithium I've never really read the books either. Everything I know is from online/previous game I tried in the area. Come join. I've 2 others who also know next to nothing! We can all fumble together.
@packrat I dunno either! But I got 2 people considering joining with me to try it out. Feel free to as well!
Or I suppose I could join you on this game instead! I said as I continue a conversation from a different medium entirely.
We've got about 7 of us doing a goup thing for MArsilikos.
IF you got Discord and want to join he party. You can dd me on Discord. Just let me know you want in.
We made a server (for the sake of name changings stuff):