There isn't. PDFs won't drop until August 2nd when stuff starts going out. People who preorder get a free PDF coupon via email and via the book (so 2 total), and PDFs go on sale then as well, though.
There was someone who posted a thread stating they wanted to start a V5 MU*, but I don't know how that went, since he seemed like he wanted to automate everything, and there are significant changes that don't make it easy to just tweak the existing WoD code. Plus with the 27 page preview we now have things that, while they'd make a MU* work a little better (Chronicle Tenets and Beliefs, codified character goals and such), there's a lot of material that we don't know what are (Aggravated and Superficial Willpower Damage is one of the biggest jump-outs).
I preordered and plan to post a long review once I get my PDF and get it read, as I'm really excited for V5 personally. But I don't think it'll be as simple as 'Okay, it's released, let's make V5 Sandbox By Night' like you can now.
I also don't know how V5 will do with the WoD MU* community when common complaints for new WoD games are 'NO SABBAT NO PLAY' and such, and V5 is explicitly 'NO SABBAT' initially to the point of no rules for them in the first 3 books.