I think it would be more helpful to know precisely how a session relates to control of a character under the different models. If each session is its own object with its own command set that can run independently of each other, does this mean that each session is calling independent character data? It says that each session connects to an account, but how does it connect to that account (in an abstract way, not necessarily specific technical details).
So for example:
I have an account with a username 'Derp', and I have three characters under this account: Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.
Each of these modes presumably connects to Derp, with varying levels of independence.
Some of these would allow me to independently puppet Yakko and Dot at the same time.
Would any of these, given their relative independence, allow me to puppet two instances of Dot that are each doing their own thing in different places?
What does it mean to puppet a character under an account, and how does that relate to the sessions? How is the character data being called/tracked from the account under the different multi-session modes? Sessions seem to be written to suggest that each of these things could be a completely isolated instance of that character, because it reads as if they are independent connections to some master data template that stores its own unique changes, and that the information can be lost if it's saved to just one session and not something larger (under the larger Sessions write-up, not necessarily this specific instance).
While most of us are familiar with the limitations of MUX-like games and how the connect to characters, this isn't necessarily true for Evennia, and I think that there's a presumption in play with this write-up that it's generally understood that a character can only have a single instance on the grid, regardless of multi-session mode selected. And since we're not actually using MUX, or the limitations thereof, that doesn't necessarily hold true.
I guess ultimately, more information about how the connections work, how puppeting works in the various modes, and the limitations of each mode would be helpful for people like me, who would love something that lets a character be in multiple places at once, each acting independently. I got really excited when I read that, because that limitation wasn't clear, and the wording would outright seem to suggest that the only-one-instance-of-a-character limitation doesn't actually exist in mode 2 and 3.
To be clear:
What I wanted: I want to be able to have Dot giving a fiery speech in the public plaza in one window, while also doing some quieter, catchup-with-a-friend-by-the-fire RP in another, and the two of them be able to act independently while drawing from the same character sheet data for rolls/etc.
What I read: "This is the multi-playing mode where each session may, through one player account, individually puppet its own object/character without affecting what happens in other sessions." and/or "This is the full multi-puppeting mode, where multiple sessions may not only connect to the player account but multiple sessions may also puppet a single character at the same time."
What I thought: Ok, so in one or both of these, I could connect to Dot twice, and each of those be its own session, and if I move one Dot into another room, it won't affect what happens to the other Dot, since what happens to one session doesn't affect the other one.
The reality: Apparently not so much?
That's the kind of language that I think is ambiguous there, and could be cleared up.