Automated Systems: Combat, Crafting, Cloning, Cybernetics, Medical, etc.
Roleplay Centric: Requires biography and staff enforces thematic roleplay by all users.
Perma-death: Supports perma-death
^ This game meets all the criteria.
Automated Systems: Space travel and Crafting
Roleplay Centric: Requires biography and staff enforces thematic roleplay by all users.
Perma-death: Supports perma-death
^ This game meets all the criteria
The Sea of Storms
Automated systems: combat, channeling, and crafting
Roleplay Centric: Staff enforces thematic roleplay by all users and character progression requires RP logs.
Perma-death: Supports perma-death
Now I picked these 3 games because all 3 of them have a very low or improbable chance of perma-death. Otherspace (to my knowledge) doesn't have a lot of player death running around but it can happen and has happened. Sindome as I explained has cloning but perma-death is still possible. TSOSmud (where I spent the majority of my staff experience) has a running joke that your characters new until their 2nd ooc year of existence. Perma-death exists on TSOSmud and it happened but it wasn't a common occurence.
All 3 of these games meet all the criteria to be listed so yeah any MUSH or MOO or MUD that wants to come and be like. Hey I qualify for this criteria and this is why. We definitely consider them even if they don't fulfill the MUD standard because we are not a MUD only community. So non-consent MUSHes if you have some form of automated system send me an e-mail right here: