Dammit I almost caught you and put you in my family and now you escape!!!
sadly put down butterfly net
Updated to reflect the tragic death of Stranger than Fiction.
Also, as a bonus, a snippet of conversation about my MU history.
Me: I probably played on two dozen WoD games until I quit on 2001 to play Everquest.
Friend: Wow.
Me: No, Everquest.
Getting to make that joke may be the highlight of my week.
Minor update.
No come back
Dammit I almost caught you and put you in my family and now you escape!!!
sadly put down butterfly net
I enjoyed our interactions on both my characters. Nik was true to form. Thanks!
Oh hey! I played STF with you a little iirc I was Tiffany
I miss you, too.
Wait, were you the cool Brigida who left a gift for Calista?
@Deviante said in TheOnceler’s Playlist:
Wait, were you the cool Brigida who left a gift for Calista?
That was me! She intimidated an assassin into changing his life for the better at a Fidante family dinner!
Still kinda bugs me that the dagger's desc has a typo in it.
@TheOnceler You were my favorite Brigida. I was so sad when you rostered.
Ah the person who dares the masked Devotion to go spend a day in the shrine of Limerance. #Irony