The Arx Cats series started just as I was taking a hiatus. I think I seriously need a Calista Cat.

Best posts made by Deviante
RE: Crafting Thread Part ?
RE: Arx Alts
I play Calista (no surprise there) and she's been my ride or die for going on 4 years now. You might see me on more now that I've graduated! Still mostly evening though since my wee bosses are super high maintenance.
For those new folks who might feel overwhelmed by lore and story, please don't. I still have no idea about half the Arx stories.
RE: The Haul
I got a kitchenaid stand mixer and a Dyson cordless vacuum. The vacuum wasn't in the plans but given that my vacuum decided to call our relationship quits on Christmas Eve, I decided to upgrade.
The KitchenAid is for all my gluten-free baking needs. I am totally jazzed about it. Also the color is so pretty; retro minty green.
RE: MUSH Marriages (IC)
Most of my IC marriages are to people who are mega idle. This happened on Firan and it's happening on Arx. They are blissful arrangements.
On Firan - my noble had a wedding and all that jazz but the player wasn't ever active. I had one commoner who also did the whole courtship, IC ceremony, etc. That was a happy little story.
On Arx - my noble had the whole courtship thing and we did a wedding ceremony off screen. We've actually done a lot of things off screen due to scheduling conflicts but the story is really good. My commoner is with someone and I assume it's a common law marriage. That too is a good story. I've been lucky so far on Arx to have really chill and fun RP partners.
Deviante's Playlist
Former PCs:
Cataryna/Dalasi (and all the various alts) on Firan
Simone/Olivia on Star Crusades
Sophie* (Sophie Alexandra Dunlin) on The Reach
Lily on The Reach
Francesca Giovanni on Reno
...and so many more I just do not remember.Current PCs
Calista/Eithne - Arx(Note* I wasn't going to even list Sophie here because I was hiding out from Spider since I hate confrontation, but really, fuck that noise. I loved that character)
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
@Pandora said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
Being 'male' and a decent writer will honestly get you wherever you want to go in this hobby because the dick-drought is real and it isn't going anywhere, any time soon.
If I could upvote this a thousand times I would. Sadly this isn't the board for all that come out of that particular quote, but thank you for saying it.
Most of my characters have been bi because there's something to be said about mental chemistry vs physical chemistry when it comes to MUing. There is also a freedom to exploring sexuality ICly whereas it might not be something one can do in RL.
I have yet to play a male character, though I am very curious lately. Maybe my next alt.
RE: MU Things I Love
When you've been working hard on things IC and OOC and someone you know just a little pays you and your group a really nice compliment.
Totally makes pretendy funtimes worth it again.
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
How bad is it that every time I see this thread come up all I read is "Twerking in RP MU*?"
RE: Period Piece Face vs Modern Face
@darinelle said in Period Piece Face vs Modern Face:
Joan Cusak - Modern Face.
I just saw her in something the other day and she looked so different but I have to agree with you. I can't imagine her in a period piece film. Though I loved her in Addams Family Values as Debbie.
RE: MU Things I Love
That moment when you realize the players in your family/org (and extended friends) are just as spontaneous and wild as you are; Absolutely no ooc drama the moment they are tossed into a surprise GM'd scene by someone who is a total amateur GM and they are all shouting "GIMME MORE CHAOS!" Watching it all somehow come together because the players were all so cool. Really inspires me to try GMing a prp, something I would have never considered in the past. Thank you. Awesome players
Latest posts made by Deviante
RE: Crafting Thread Part ?
The Arx Cats series started just as I was taking a hiatus. I think I seriously need a Calista Cat.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@too-old-for-this said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@testament I also watch Dr. Pimple Popper. OH! And Botched!
Guilty pleasures.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
@waller Ugh! My kids were watching The Super Mario Brother's show the other day on Netflix and he was on. How sad.
RE: Best MU* Client for Mac?
I've only ever used Atlantis on my MacBook and I have never had problems with it.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
@Derp said in Dead Celebrities 2020:
@Coin said in Dead Celebrities 2020:
@Derp said in Dead Celebrities 2020:
Naya Rivera, aka Santana Lopez of Glee.
Fucking tragic, man.
That whole cast is cursed, I swear.
I said the same thing earlier. This story is so sad
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Gingerlily said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@Kanye-Qwest said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@Gingerlily said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@Wretched said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
I self advocated! And it worked! I was a little blunt and firm and used words like 'unacceptable' and 'would like to be acknowledged as a partner in my mental health' and 'I don't feel like you are listening to me'. So now I will soon get non stimulant ADHD meds!!!
(because Kaiser hates cannabis and wont gimme stimulants lest I am 100% pee test clean. And as a former daily user who is overweight, tha'll take a bit.)
So, woo!
I have a medical cannabis card because my state does that. It's for migraines, but I've seen strains labeled as helping with ADHD and thought that has to be nonsense (I have ADHD and have been on and off stimulant medication since diagnosis in high school.) HOWEVER as it turns out the pot for adhd thing wasn't nonsense. There are a few that get me focused as anything, and can get a ton accomplished.
yeah it's not nonsense at all. I smoked pretty regularly for like 15 years, and during that 15 years I had no : insomnia, migraines, anxiety (the cause of the former), and didn't feel nearly as overwhelmed/scattered.
I stopped smoking and everything fell apart
Yeah I have anxiety with ADHD (and migraines) I think they are a frequent team. Pot helps with both to be honest, and I'm hoping it will let me cut down on the prescription meds required to make my brain even mildly useful.
Once I've weened baby from nursing, I'm going to look into something like this (CBD related) but I just don't want to smoke or get the high because I'd hallucinate sometimes and I just don't have time for that. I just want less anxiety/body aches and more control over my ADHD that doesn't involve going back on Adderall even though that shit was like amazing for the short time I took it.
RE: The Savage Skies - Discussion Thread
@GirlCalledBlu said in The Savage Skies:
@Deviante Let us know if we can help!
... that is if the game felt overwhelming.
If it's life, right there with you. #ughadulting
NGL, it's kind of both, but rl makes the ic overwhelming. If I can manage some good sleep, I'll be golden. Thank you
RE: The Savage Skies - Discussion Thread
I'm coming back. I promise. I got overwhelmed.
RE: Depression Meals
How have I not seen this thread? This is seriously my every day. Not that I feel down every day but I spend so much time thinking what to feed others that I don't feed myself properly.
My ride or die meal is arroz con pollo, yellow rice with chicken and vegetables. I usually like is asopao which means it's more stew like in texture and consistency but it feels like a hug from inside. Basically any food that can make me feel like it's hugging me from the inside is my go to Depression food. I have a recipe for it somewhere. It's really easy to make. One pot, chicken, rice, stock, veggies and sazon Tropical which has all the seasons you need for this.
RE: Arx Alts
I play Calista (no surprise there) and she's been my ride or die for going on 4 years now. You might see me on more now that I've graduated! Still mostly evening though since my wee bosses are super high maintenance.
For those new folks who might feel overwhelmed by lore and story, please don't. I still have no idea about half the Arx stories.