Windy City MUX question.
Idly, I was poking at mudstats, and noticed Windy City on the 'updated' list, so I got curious. It's actually still up apparently (though clearly quite dead). Logged on a guest bit to poke at it, and I'm just wondering about something. What game system/code did Windy City use or base off of for their +sheets and what not, or is it a unique system they made? For the people who actually played there, was it any good or no? (The mechanics, not the game itself.)
From what I remember from Wora discussions it was unique to the game. Never played so no clue how it works but if i remember right Whirly was behind it so on that I would give it a thumbs up.
@Tempest said:
Idly, I was poking at mudstats, and noticed Windy City on the 'updated' list, so I got curious. It's actually still up apparently (though clearly quite dead). Logged on a guest bit to poke at it, and I'm just wondering about something. What game system/code did Windy City use or base off of for their +sheets and what not, or is it a unique system they made? For the people who actually played there, was it any good or no? (The mechanics, not the game itself.)
It's unique. @Whirlwind messed a bunch with the original code and things. I could poke him and ask him if it can be given to other folks.
It was... Not bad? But it wasn't ... good? Either. I think other than myself @JinShei (I could be wrong on that one) and @RDC not many people used the combat system on the game. Which, um, it was pretty loose all in all. You could use pretty much any skill if you could justify it.
I had a werewolf ballerina who ended up being almost impossible to hit because had high high high acrobatics and I used it as my 'dodge' skill, instead uh... dodge?
But @RDC used the combat way more than me, and might remember things.
This post is deleted! -
I only remember two things:
One: Ivy (me) used acrobatics to dodge MaryJane's attacks, and thus never had to accept that an alpha was her dominant (this was a shitty thing of me to do).
Two: Amalia -- my faithful -- was insanely powerful. I think I may have been the only person who ever did much with them. But she included things like "immune to vampire powers". >.> This was bad of me. I am a bad person.
@RDC said:
It's pretty impossible to separate whether WC's system was good from whether the staff was good; it was a very subjective system. I think, IIRC, that Surreality says the system was adapted from one she proposed for a game before WC existed? She said that they bastardized and ruined her original concept without permission if I'm remembering right. Anyway, the system was pretty horrible. It was broken in some real obvious ways.
If it was adapted from the system created for Manifestation: Hong Kong, yep, that one was the horribly broken bastardization of mine. It sounds like it got worse from there, and it's hard to get worse than 'look we don't understand this crap we just want to write up spiffy powers to make us the specialest snowflakes so we can get on with our lesbian fairy sex, so here we're going with this version that removes the benefits of the system and leaves it horribly broken so we can get back to artificially inseminating one another with our magic nymph tongue-tentacles'.
I wish I was kidding. I'm not kidding.
I'm not even kidding a little.
Edit: Oh -- and no, the creator of Windy City (whose RL name I know but I don't know what name she used on WC so I can't name the name here, sorry!) did NOT have permission to take the system written for M:HK, broken or not.
Addendum on this one: The combat system wasn't my nightmare. I just had a core stat block at the time, without the combat system in place. I don't remember who did MHK's, so I have no idea what happened from there. (It may not even have had one to speak of; I don't even recall if MHK and the game it was based on were 'consent games with stats' or not, and they may very well have been.)