@Ghost said in General Video Game Thread:
@Livia said in General Video Game Thread:
But honestly it's a surprisingly different game now than it was back then, and a lot of people didn't like the direction it went and just wanted to play it the way it was. Saying it's 'The same WoW' is not really true.
Like I'm sure all those other reasons are spot on the money (heh!) but still.
So are the quests different then?
I just think its a shame because I'd rather see WoW2 than to turn back the clock. I love the Draenei and Worgen, and I worked hard for my Mag'har orc. Theres so much story to experience, and while I get that the earlier state long before the Sylvanas Windrunner and Varian Wrynn arcs better allows players to experience those story arcs before they were made obsolete by the further patches, it still seems far less than what people are paying for.
Level cap goes from 120 to 60, available zones drop down a lot, available races and classes are nearly halved, etc.
Well, the general answer to your question is that yes the quests are different. There's no more zone phasing and all of those changes that they made are now gone, so things are as they were at the start.
People are paying for less, which is clear, but then people doing something for the sake of nostalgia typically do not do a cost/value estimation because they like the nostalgia of it.