Then we'll easily retirement keep you floating with that much reduced output? I mean, TECHNICALLY I'll have enough years to retire at 60. However, I sure as shit couldn't afford to live on it.
The Work Thread
@Tinuviel Curve you and your valid points. It rains a lot around here...
Honestly, reading this thread and reflecting on my own job, I am constantly reminded of why I'm seriously contemplating early retirement. Even if it means taking a substantial penalty.
What the damn today with this work being so much goddamn work. I had better plans for this time, namely, RP.
@tek said in The Work Thread:
Mythology: "Wait for Me" from Hadestown (Tony Award performance)
Current Events: "Why we Build the Wall" from Hadestown. Which was composed, IIRC, during the first term of the Obama presidency. Prescience in art! Blessed by Jayus, obviously.
@Rinel Yup, it was. I used to play the concept album on my radio show in college.
@tek said in The Work Thread:
@Rinel Yup, it was. I used to play the concept album on my radio show in college.
This was the best show I have ever seen. I'm in love with this musical and want to see it again. And again and...
Then we'll easily retirement keep you floating with that much reduced output? I mean, TECHNICALLY I'll have enough years to retire at 60. However, I sure as shit couldn't afford to live on it.
I don't care that you're hung over.
I don't care that you have homework.
I don't care about your relationship drama.
I don't care about Nicki Minaj.
Put your phones away and do your jobs.
These fucking twenty-year-olds are killing me.
@TNP I'm dying to see it.
@insomniac7809 said in The Work Thread:
I don't care that you're hung over.
I don't care that you have homework.
I don't care about your relationship drama.
I don't care about Nicki Minaj.
Put your phones away and do your jobs.
These fucking twenty-year-olds are killing me.
Aww, sweetie! You've become The Man.
@insomniac7809 said in The Work Thread:
I don't care that you're hung over.
I don't care that you have homework.
I don't care about your relationship drama.
I don't care about Nicki Minaj.
Put your phones away and do your jobs.
These fucking twenty-year-olds are killing me.
Seconded. Also, stop bloody talking or just get out of my lecture hall. You are a grown up, so either be here or don't but don't make me shout over you...
Labeled a tab in a shared spreadsheet in capital letters: DO NOT EDIT. Labeled the other tab, EDIT HERE.
Guess which one people made their changes in. Go ahead. Guess.
Another day, another WTF moment...
Just had a meeting paused so that I could show the organizers how to upload a file to Google Drive and share it with everyone, because even though we've had Google Apps accounts for five years, they haven't learned this one little essential bit of it yet.
surprise meeting at 9:30 this morning, we are given 20 minutes to prepare.
We're missing our goals for end of year. Mandatory 30 minute meetings every morning/evening now to track progress. Keep it simple, keep it focused, I'm assigned to track notes and what everyone is doing.
"Oh so we're doing agile scrums now and I'm the scrum leader?"
Dead silence, followed by "... what?"
Proceed to explain to VP of project management company what Agile is.
My team collects data for a federal project with firm deadlines and significant financial penalties associated with not staying within the boundaries. We're contracted by the client who will actually get hit with the penalties - we collect the data, create the final files, send them in to their person so that the person can upload them to the federal portal.
First of the month, we sent in our part. The deadline is today. Enter 4:00PM, and the client has only now looked to find the file. Mind you, there's always a data error or two, and the file usually bounces once or twice for Reasons, needs to be corrected, and resubmitted. This is not the first time we've done this; we do it every six months on average.
Every single time, this goes down to the wire when it doesn't need to. And it's not our fault, but that will never stop the client from panicking at us about it.
I have to pull all my screenshots, videos, and references ('let me do that myself so I can best describe....') from a test instance at work. Understandable. Don't want me mucking about in production.
U N F O R T U N A T E L Y we use a spot instance* for this. And it has been spottier than usual lately. Like, 'back down 15 minutes after it's brought up.' Our liaison with the dev company emailed them today to go 'Get us an on-demand instance or put a higher bid.' They said nah, money. Business manager went 'Uh, I'm sorry?'
I was on the other side of the table like: '......I just hate pestering them every time it's down.'
I got a round of: 'No. Pester them. Email them every single time. This is getting ridiculous.' (80% of the time, I am the only one using it.)
I love my team.
*A spot instance, in our case, is basically low-level 'highest bidder' cloud servers with AWS. So for something that is low need/use, it works. Your server will be there, but if someone has a higher bid in the system... you can get knocked out. So either AWS (possible) is having more issues of late or their bid (also possible) is way too low.
Work related. Well, professionalism related. Well, related to my lack of professionalism.
If I post a comment on Facebook about how it's at best an ignorant look for attorneys to be claiming that they'd spend time in jail to erase their student debt (an unfortunately popular meme making the rounds these days), please do not try to defend the meme. Especially if you are a criminal defense attorney. Especially if you are a criminal defense attorney who I personally know to be lazy and unwilling to visit clients.
but it shows solidarity in the cost of education duh
Funny how all this class solidarity seems to be stomping downward...