Yeah, the ideas of 'dark' and 'light' were more nebulous - the Force was the Force. As I recall, the Sith empire grew out of the Hundred Years of Darkness, where some Jedi refused the mandate to practice only 'Light' side methods, split off and took over Korriban - but that's, like, 15000 years in the future at this point.
SW: Dawn of the Jedi - Modified d20 Saga (Pre Old Republic Era)
Hello! I'm working on a Star Wars: Legends game set about 25k years before the Battle of Yavin, based around the Tython system and it's discovery/expansion/inner-system political/spiritual turmoil, with expansion to other systems later.
'Tython was a planet in the Tython system of the Deep Core that played a pivotal role in the histories of the Je'daii Order and its successor, the Jedi Order. A verdant world that was incredibly rich in the Force, Tython was inhabited by an unknown species hundreds of thousands of years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, and it was visited by both the Gree and Kwa, two of the earliest species to have achieved interstellar travel. In 36,453 BBY, the great pyramid ships known as the Tho Yor brought pilgrims from over a dozen species from across the galaxy to Tython, where the pilgrims learned to harness the Force and established the Je'daii Order, basing their philosophy of balance upon Tython's two moons Ashla and Bogan. The Je'daii soon realized that Tython was unsafe for those who could not sense the Force, and as a result, the Tythans spread out to settle the other worlds of the Tython system.
In 25,805 BBY, after over ten thousand years of peace, Tython was the site of the final battle of the Despot War, and twelve years later, a vessel from the Infinite Empire of the Rakata species crashed on Tython's surface, sparking one of the intense Force storms that occurred whenever the balance of Tython was shifted between the light and dark sides of the Force. The Force Wars erupted not long afterwards, a devastating conflict fought between the followers of the light side and the followers of the dark side, and in the aftermath of the Force Wars, the victorious light-siders established the Jedi Order. The Jedi departed Tython for the distant world of Ossus, leaving Tython to become lost as the Deep Core erased the hyperlanes to the planet, and the savage Flesh Raiders evolved on the now-empty world.'
I am mostly just a coder and game designer with some thematic prowess, 21+ years of MUSHing and admining experience.. been away for a few years, but I am definitely looking for thematically proficient admin, as well as other coders to help develop the game fully. All of the base code is in place already, and probably familiar to a lot of people. I'm expanding and revising it with things I've wished to do to it for a while to make it a little less table-top focused. Feel free to message me for more details or questions.
I can't believe noone has ever done this theme yet. I've thought for like...a decade now-ish, it'd be one of the best settings for Star Wars. Avoids cannon issues altogether by being absurdly far in the past (i.e. almost anything can happen) while still being 100% cannon, and in one of the most interesting planets in the entire SW galaxy. Cool beans.
@Grindle Zombiegenesis is working on a similar game a few threads down in this very forum section. Maybe you should collaborate? Or just compete, I dunno. :|a
@SquirrelTalk no competition. Totally different systems. I’m not opposed with collaborating though.
@secretfire I’ve been talking about doing this for a decade or more just haven’t had the time. Excited to finally get the chance
UPDATE: Been working on editing the system for the timeline, and expanding, modifiying, revising, and gutting certain aspects of Saga so that is doesn't suck as much as an RPG System.
@Dizzy Tython really is About as close as you can get to a Star Wars Australia lol
And hey, since it's Legends; Mandalorians can still be a race (or, y'know, Taung - until Mandalore the First is born)
@Killer-Klown in the books only 14 or so races inhabited the Tho Yor ships that settled Tython, however a lot of those species are obscure, so I’m going to replace them with species that are a bit more beloved. Taung/Mandalore could definitely have representation.
@Grindle True enough; there's also the angle that Mandalore the First led his people on their exodus in a … very vague timeframe <somewhere between 24000 and 7000 BBY was the best I've ever seen on it>; so there's every possibility that one or more of the ships lost their way and just ended up there at some point.
@Killer-Klown that’s probably more of a thematic response over having them on the pilgrimage ships!
Update: all celestial objects have been implemented into space system for the Tython System. 90% of Tython has been built. Going to work on building Shikaakwa (criminal planet), and Khalimar (main non-force user planet/business + Spirtual hub) today, debating on how many planets to actually grid out for now.
I've been on a couple of games (Star Wars and otherwise) that tried to incorporate multiple planets. Invariably, most of them just seem to stagnate unless there was a specific plot that required them. Setting things that far back, though, does open up a number of interesting possiblities - like how 'Sith' are just natives of Korriban and not associated with the 'Dark Jedi' yet. It might be interesting to have a cabal of them on a planet or moon representing study of the literal 'left hand' path of the Force.
@Killer-Klown each planet will definitely have a purpose. I’m thinking only four planets will be grided, to represent the active factions that will exist. Being based in the same system, travel and interaction will be as thematic as being on the same planet.
As for the sith, and the Je’daii, they were among the original species who colonized Tython. They are quite common amongst Je’daii and non Je’daii alike. Most of the rare force species are common as those who had strong force traditions were gathered by the Tho Yor first.
Nice. That's something that I really appreciated in some of the newer offerings - that they adopted the EU ideas that Jedi weren't the only force using organizations in the Galaxy; just the 'officially sanctioned' one. Personally, I always liked the idea behind the Miralukans and their structure based around the fact that force sensitivity was natural to them as a species rather than something that had to be learned.
@Killer-Klown before the Jedi and Old Republic, everyone had different views. Tython basically called them and taught them to harness the force in total balance. Eventually the Rakata bring imbalance to Tython and the force wars happen, and the Light side wins and flee to Ossus while the Sith Empire grows on Korriban with what I assume are ex-Je’daii at the front. It’s basically the purest version of the Jedi in history, with every tradition being fresh enough in history to be viable options for abilities and descendants.
Yeah, the ideas of 'dark' and 'light' were more nebulous - the Force was the Force. As I recall, the Sith empire grew out of the Hundred Years of Darkness, where some Jedi refused the mandate to practice only 'Light' side methods, split off and took over Korriban - but that's, like, 15000 years in the future at this point.
Here's a concern/issue that I have.
All of this is fine. There are theories, different views and various parts in canon (from the movies, animated series, EU books, comics, etc) over the last 35-40 years about what the Force is and how it works. That's part of the fun, it's great.
What I'd like is for staff to give us a direction on just how they expect things to work in the context of that game. Are characters still playable if they fall to the Dark Side? What exactly are the social rules for Jedi - can they be trained later in life, are they permitted to marry? Are other Force-related factions available (as in, not essentially recreated by players who've read the books, but actual established communities and part of the theme)?
I think being transparent upfront about what is part of the thematic scope a game is going to incorporate - and what isn't - should be decided and broadcasted very clearly.
@Arkandel all really good questions. While I have more than a basic idea of where I want to go, I’m pretty much solo for theme decisions. Kinda tackling things as I go. Dark siders or light siders are usually imprisoned on Ashla or Bogan where they have to contemplate the light or dark to find balance. They will remain playable, and If one can escape imprisonment, so be it! The Je’daii tended to try and train as many people as they could, sometimes trying to push force sensitivity out of people who had none. There were no moral laws, as long as one stayed balanced in the force. They married, had kids, etc. Killing was an atoneable act. As for other force traditions, it’s totally feasible that there are those who did not agree with the Je’daii and seeked to just continue their originating tradition. It’s something I will have to flesh out once I get a staff going! As for the books, there were no real mention of other groups. Je’daii were unopposed in the system as far as force users. Rogue Je’daii did exist though.