@Tinuviel said in The Work Thread:
@GreenFlashlight said in The Work Thread:
@Auspice said in The Work Thread:
Someone put up posters all over work for a fundraiser they're doing for Australia.
And I'm like.
This is cool what you're doing but covering the poster with glamor shots of yourself plus like, two stock koala photos is weird and means I am prob just gonna look for an official foundation thanks.
(p.s. Australia is more than just koalas.)
Yeah, I won't take shots at anyone trying to help, but I'm really suspicious of how basically every story I hear about the Australian fires frames it in terms of animals dead and contains no mention at all of the effects on the indigenous population. It makes me think there's a horror going on there we're not being told about.
To be fair, the fact that an estimated billion animals have been killed in these fires is really hard not to talk about. People have died, twenty-five at last report, and it is possible more unreported indigenous deaths... but that pales in comparison to a billion dead animals.
I think it's also easier to market animals into fundraising. So it's a frightening number (with many populations considered entirely lost) and it helps get people to open their wallets. I don't consider it a loss at all (er, a loss in terms of 'what gets money raised')
(I am one of those people more likely to donate for animals than people.)