@Seamus said in Image Attribution & Creative Commons:
Not to be a nay sayer. But I was curious about all of this and a quick google search kicked up this stuff...
In most states, you can be sued for using someone else's name, likeness, or other personal attributes without permission for an exploitative purpose. Usually, people run into trouble in this area when they use someone's name or photograph in a commercial setting, such as in advertising or other promotional activities. But, some states also prohibit use of another person's identity for the user's own personal benefit, whether or not the purpose is strictly commercial. There are two distinct legal claims that potentially apply to these kinds of unauthorized uses: (1) invasion of privacy through misappropriation of name or likeness ("misappropriation"); and (2) violation of the right of publicity. (The "right of publicity" is the right of a person to control and make money from the commercial use of his or her identity.)
Now I am guessing at this but I think the stickler here may be A) The States involved and B) The Legal definition of benefit in this situation.
Like I said in the Savage Skies thread:
Since it's not being used for profit, 'ain't got time for that' usually factors in.
There's also, in your own quoted bit there, a few things to consider:
advertising, promotional activities, misappropriation... By and far we don't do those things.
Now, if we were to use, say, Ben Barnes' likeness to advertise a Westworld MU? That'd be a problem.
There's a lot of 'fan tumblrs' out there and actors know about them. Some actors even like them. I think, in many cases, they'd view what we do in a similar light (it's positive, it's not trying to make money off of, or claim to be them, etc.).