Mar 3, 2020, 10:45 AM

@scar said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:

The search for further explanation is just one more sloppy attempt to exert control and victimize, or revictimize, his targets. He actually did receive a reason, at least from SL. It was a Rihanna meme!

In addition to the roster character he was banned on, he could be attributed to five additional logins, not including those rosters he claimed post-banning.

Here is one of their stories.

Offstage Offstage
02/27/2020 ~ 02/27/2020
Here, quiet and darkness. Ahead, the bright lights of the stage.
Step into the spotlight.

Char1 -
Char2 -
Char3 -
Char3 -
(QR) Quiet Room (RP) RP Annex
(SN) Staff Nexus

Uiland has arrived.

Uiland says, "Ares, there's a reason you always run and hide 'in time' when we try to fight. That's because we don't fight, I simply win before you bow and then run. Almost like you launch yourself backwards with the speed of Alucards "Super Jump"."

Uiland says, "Char2 isn't Japanese, but he thinks He's turning Japanese by watching all these shows the little brother ordered."

Uiland says, "Char3, go throw a baseball."

Uiland says, "Char3, I liked you on your show because you knew how to sing. That's why you think I'm here, you see."

Uiland says, "Ares says to me "Now begone from my presence you pest!!" because he's still afraid of the best. :-D"

Uiland says, "Char3, you tried to re-bane me. You are the stain within me, the sin that should only begin when One is Furious."

Uiland says, "And, well, you don't realize that when I go back to the Reactor remembering all my time listening to Juno, that's when I'm more furious than any other."

Uiland says, " com/watch?v=Crg_pMUBgIs ~ com/watch?v=E1sGhmcZ7Pg"

Uiland says, "How do you think I get from One place to the Other soulfully?"

Uiland says, "Can't even use emotes in the game, because Ares only thinks everything should come down to a fight."

Uiland says, "Char1, the Dead One who Lose. :-D"

Uiland says, "Such a shell of a game, like the look in most of your eyes. Because I did say that if you joined with Him, you would forever lose."

Uiland says, "Isn't this so much fun you group of proverbial puns?"

Uiland says, "Why don't you run and get Patrick?"

Uiland says, "Go on, run and get your "savior". The only One who truly got to know me. The rest of you trusted his description of me."

statue Uiland=Called me a 'proverbial pun'
New Job! #3789 "Player Statue" submitted by System.
[New Characters, Game] Uiland has disconnected.
Uiland has disconnected here.

Dude watches too much anime.