I would just like to address something. Specifically, the idea of 'telenuking' with blood sorcery. Allow me, if you will, to regale you with how this actually works based on the rules in the Blood Sorcery book. Let us define our situation.
First, in order for you to deal direct lethal damage with blood sorcery, you require Destruction 4. Direct Aggravated would require you to hold Destruction 5. In either case, that would require you to hold Cruac or Theban 4 or 5. So let's begin by saying that it would take someone a very long time and lots of beats/XP to get there.
Second, we will assume that you cast this ritual from 3 miles away. So your range is now at +4 successes needed.
Third, I will assume we are dealing with someone with a 5 in stamina. This makes their health 10. This means that in order to 'telenuke' you would need 10 damage for aggravated level and 20 for lethal level. I will run through it at both levels.
Fourth, I will assume this is an improvised ritual at first, then I will run through as a custom created ritual (Because there are no pre-defined direct damage rituals that would cause insta-death in the books. Wrathful judgment was axed in blood sorcery).
Fifth, I will assume that the other person has 5 in their associated skill and attribute and per the reach's rules, 3 applicable specialties. (Why am I using reach rules? Because primarily this is where I hear all the bitching from.)
Now then, as improvised cannot be changed after rolling, we must pre-define this ritual. Let us define each of these real quick.
Ritual: Lethal Telenuke
Themes: Destruction 4
Base: 4 (Total of themes)
Potency (Damage): +19 (Remember, we got 1 damage from our base sux)
Range: +4
Duration: +0
Radius: +0
Total Needed: 27 Successes
Ritual: Agg Telenuke
Themes: Destruction 5
Base: 5 (Total of Themes)
Potency (Damage): +9 (1 damage from base)
Range: +4
Duration: +0
Radius: +0
Total Needed: 18 Successes
As you can see, the agg option lowers it by a total of 9 successes. Now dice pools.
In terms of the lethal ritual, a person's dice pool would be: (Does TR even use B&S Dice pools or does it still use differentiated?)
Cruac: Manipulation+Occult+Cruac-Stamina of Enemy (Manip+Occult+Theme-Stamina if blood sorcery rules)
Theban: Intelligence+Academics+Theban-Stamina of Enemy (Int+Occult+Theme-Stamina if blood sorcery rules)
This is a standard extended roll, so at most they have 12 rolls to do it (Assuming patient bonus and 5 in skill and attribute).
So that would mean, you'd have to hit 27 or 18 successes in 12 rolls of 13 dice (Assuming 5's in skill, attribute and 3 specialties)
So basically, the point of this is:
- Telenuking with blood sorcery is stupid and takes a lot of successes
- Only stupid STs let it happen
- It requires a huge investment
- Only stupid STs let it happen
- For the love of all that is holy limit potency in some way
Edit: 6) Actually, limit all the factors in some way for sanity, even mage has some limits on their rituals