Random funny
@Aria said in Random funny:
There is a 4th.
Dwarves: I learned how to cast in resin to make my own dice.
@Wizz On allreceipies it's sitting at 4.5 stars.
@JinShei How do I delete someone else's post on MSB?
And wherever that came from initially.
@SixRegrets @menwritewomen on Twitter. The account you do not want to follow if you want to retain any faith in male authors and their ability to write, well, women.
@SixRegrets If I had to be scarred, you had to be scarred.
@L-B-Heuschkel Boobing boobily across the room...
I am pretty sure all 7 things women wish men would do in bed is actually "Communicate and make sure your partner is enjoying things too."
I'm just saying that the ideal sexual partner is one who turns into a nice cup of tea and a pizza afterwards.
@Wizz Man, my bedroom is a depraved nest of excitement. Because our backyard is full of bees and there's usually a few around in any given room at any time. XD
It’s a good thing that, when the alcohol is over, my lovers come to realize I’m lukewarm, bland, flat, and cheesy.
Well, obvi.