MSB's new management
Hello folks,
When @EmmahSue asked me to take over MSB in what seems like yesterday but was actually a long time ago I was still very much involved in the hobby and spent a fair bit of time on this forum.
However that hasn't been the case for a long time. I haven't played on a MUSH in almost two years and even when I did it wasn't for long. I still occasionally post here but MSB requires better than that; it requires someone who can do the community justice and pay this place the attention that it deserves. It was a fun run, but it's reached its end for me.
@Ganymede has made the foolhardy decision to take MSB. From now on the law-bot is in charge. Please offer congratulations and/or condolences as you see fit.
Many of you have been advocating for changes to our policies I have been reluctant to make so perhaps this will serve as a new beginning in that regard as well. Either way, I have every confidence Gany will knock it out of the park.
I'll continue to stick around to support MSB mainly in a support capacity until I fade into the sunset or perhaps find a game that makes me active again - who knows!
Again, thank you everyone.
Or buy him a drink..
actually probably that second one
@silverfox I suspect our antics on here lead to plenty of drinking for the cat-lawyer-bot.
Thank you, Ark, for inviting me here and having confidence in my ability to take over EmmahSue's brainchild. I hope I can instill the same sort of confidence members have had in your sense of fairness.
As mentioned elsewhere, I will be posting a policy on RL information shortly. I'm still supposed to be working.
For the membership, with Arkandel stepping away, our council is down to two admins: myself and Mietze. I would like to pull on a third admin, as it has been our tradition to have three folks monitoring this forum and consulting on matters related to its management. As may be inferred from a previous post of mine, we are hoping that someone here with experience in IT or using/managing nodeBB is willing to serve.
We offer nothing but our collective love as compensation, for whatever that is worth.
There's going to be so many more cats.
@crawfish Finally
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
While I've never been shy about giving my unsolicited opinion on the topic of how other people should be running their own websites, I do want to offer my sincere thanks to you for putting your unpaid time and unappreciated efforts into hosting and managing a site for myself and all my fellow overopinionated underqualified loudmouths, so thank you for the time you spent managing things here, and to everyone else who you leave all this to.
So MSB is the promised Lawyer Catbotopia that was discussed months ago.
All hail the new catbot overlord.
Does this mean that we are changing the name of the Hog Pit to 'The Litter Box?'
@wretched Can we give ratings in the form of "kitty rocca"?
I am posting here because I think we need to add at least one more admin to our team.
Right now, I have been put in charge of setting policy and managing the place, generally. Mietze is another admin with similar authority. Arkandel remains an admin solely because he's the fellow with the knowledge and capability to upgrade the platform (nodeBB) from his end. That means we have two admins charged with management.
I think we need a third admin with policy and management authority here. I am looking for a veteran member here to help out. We are not looking for a "yes" person; we are looking for someone we can work with. I personally am looking for someone with familiarity with nodeBB management (that would take Arkandel out of the picture, which he wants) but I would be happy for anyone willing to serve as another set of eyes.
PM me if interested..