Jan 19, 2015, 12:11 PM

@Alzie said:

I would just like to address something. Specifically, the idea of 'telenuking' with blood sorcery. Allow me, if you will, to regale you with how this actually works based on the rules in the Blood Sorcery book. Let us define our situation.

So basically, the point of this is:

  1. Telenuking with blood sorcery is stupid and takes a lot of successes
  2. Only stupid STs let it happen
  3. It requires a huge investment
  4. Only stupid STs let it happen
  5. For the love of all that is holy limit potency in some way
    Edit: 6) Actually, limit all the factors in some way for sanity, even mage has some limits on their rituals

Well, what you've managed to show is why Destruction as written in Blood Sorcery is largely useless. However when we're talking about telenuking, why use Destruction when Transmutation exists? Transmutation 5 reads
"The fifth dot of Transmutation allows the ritualist to transform any object or creature into any other, transferring and changing characteristics as she sees fit"

So now I decide I want to turn you from a Vampire to a pig or whatever. Since that's not a scaling effect, it's potency 0 so you need 9 less successes then with the Aggravated nuke. And oh look, because it's a binary effect it's Contested rather then Resisted so you get to roll more dice. Contested is always better then resisted for a strong Ritualist since whenever they roll a non-trivial amount of successes, they will practically never fail.

Then we have the die pool, it's not 13 dice. Without stacking specialities or accounting for Blood Sympathy, you can do Attribute 5 + Skill 5 + Speciality 1 + Elaborate Sacrifice 3 + (Meditation/Extra Vitae) 3 + Library 3 = 20 dice for Theban while Cruac can do teamwork with their Altar.

Basically the ST really needs to be on the ball to not let people do things with Blood Sorcery just because the Blood Sorcery book claims it's possible because that way lies madness.