Also laws. Laws just can't work the way they do in real life without messing up.
You die - but you become sentient undead. Do you legally lose all of your belongings? Do they go to your next or kin? What if you are resurrected, and back to the living, but your possessions have already been given away?
How do you even apply laws when there are spells, curses and magic that can make you do things against your will? How do you prove someone wasn't made to stab their friend in the back?
Some races live far longer than others. What is the age of consent!
Don't get me /started/ on the privacy issues mind-reading or scrying creates. How about prophecies? There are some real Minority Report-level headaches there.
Worried about gun ownership? How about your former adventurer neighbor who has a legendary artifact hanging on his wall as a souvenir from the good ol' days, and he's getting senile... so who knows what's gonna happen if he messes with it.