It took a bit but Cinder finally realized that play with other cats is way better than play with people, and she and Play-doh have been adorable since.

My elder Kiva is even accepting and sighs when I put the baby on her.

Husband wants to rename Cinderella to Jalapeña because she can be so spicy and opinionated, and Play-doh to Dr. Kit Baker DQT because she loovvveeesss to wrestle. (I'm currently calling her Squishy because she is all soft and Squishy when you touch her.) The names will stay the same on the paperwork but we call her what we want. 
Also, a bunch of my babies are going home today! Charley has found a family with two fluffy goldens and a one-and-half year old friend, as well as a mama and papa who both work from home (prepandemic even!) so he can be doted on 100000% of the time.
Indica and Sativa also found a mama! I was so worried because they are so reserved but she fell in love with their pet finder bios and came to see them especially. They must have known because they came out of hiding for the first time for her!! They will be the only cats and she works from home so it will be perfect. 
Sugar and Cecilia have both had apps, but no one has passed muster yet. I'm sure it will be soon though!