Jun 11, 2022, 2:18 PM

@raemira That's neat!

I think at this point what I expect (demand?) from book adaptations is very simple: Love the original work. Try to put that on the screen.

I feel a lot of the time showrunners try to make the series 'theirs', or they act under a direction from producers to 'renew' the material so a new generation of actors can take over, which essentially cheapens what draws funs like me to a franchise in the first place.

So for instance the new Star Wars series drew the original cast back but... they didn't do jack. In fact they were portrayed, largely, as failures. I didn't appreciate that. Game of Thrones tried to 'subvert expectations' and decimated the story it was building for years. The Wheel of Time... ugh don't get me started.

Just love the damn material enough for that to show. Then put it on the screen. The gold standard here is the Lord of the Rings movies; they made significant changes (no Tom Bombadil, Arwen replaced Glorfindel, etc) but who the fuck cares; the whole trilogy was a tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien's works and it showed.