Feb 25, 2016, 12:10 AM


In your words, I literally cannot understand what you're trying to say or do, here. If you think that what I'm saying is an opinion, then you're not able to help fix the problem. If you want to try to understand, then you can "literally" have an idea, it's just up to you, not me, to show that you want to have an idea.

Your push-back indicates that you don't. So don't. As you say, it's okay if you don't want to participate, tho at this point I'd thank you not to associate me with your inaction.

Gany gets it.

edit for @Ganymede

You tell people to pre-pose. I see people pre-posing an entire pose which either ignores everything they weren't posing for, or shoe-horns following elements so that they end up posing independent reactions to everyone. When I warned before that bit that I was going to be wrong or pedantic to make a point, this is kind of what I meant.

That is, I know that "write your entire pose as fast as you can and fire it off without consideration to the happenings around you except for last-minute" isn't what you mean, but I found @Halicron's "pre-pose a framework, but not too much" to be the same advice, better phrased.