Anomaly Jobs Unpublish?
Here's the situation:
We are sending out queries to groups of players for things like voting on status raises. We want the players responses to be private/anonymous to each other. Presently, we end up creating 5+ jobs, one job per person. However, I am quite sure there's a way to mark a job as "not published", so that each individual player on the job can only see their own response.
Can anyone remind me how to do this? Or if someone has a better suggestion, I'll take that as well!
Last time I checked, the +myjob/add <msg> command only publishes messages that staff can see. I could be wrong.
@Ganymede This is what I remember of it, too. If I sent a query out to players, I would have to specifically publish the job to be totally open, or publish individual adds to the job.
I seem to remember that the buckets themselves have a flag system with six possible values, one of which is Published, which determines whether comments are default published or not. You might check there?
@Ganymede said:
Last time I checked, the +myjob/add <msg> command only publishes messages that staff can see. I could be wrong.
You are! At least, in this case. There is the + or - next to names, but everything shows. I tested on my player bits, just to be super duper certain. I think as @Derp says, there's a bucket preference something. There's a "PUBLIC" flag on the bucket, which I think might account for it?
If a bucket is both myjobs accessible and public, I think that means anyone can read anything in it. I am not at my help files right now. Try clearing that flag.
The public flag ignores all other publish settings and makes it all visible. There is certainly a way to un-publish individual comments on non-Public buckets.