Has anyone completed a FATE type chargen, particularly for TinyMUX. I have in a file some FATE code but I think its for PennMUSH (I know I've been through this before a couple of years ago before taking a break from MU*ing but yeah brain-memory). I think FATE is the best route to take for Dune, but will need help on the FATE system if anyone is available or if one has been developed while I've been away.
There may be a better system to use for the game ... other than nWoD, are there any other complete stat systems out there that might work well? Thoughts? Thanx folks!
IO think @Thenomain has something but he said it would need a lot of fiddling when I was pondering us.. no wait. Never mind! Different system! It was 7th SEas or something I am thinking of.
I see there's 3 FATE systems on Gwen's MUSHcode archive. I'll look at those and see if any of them are for TinyMUX or can be easily translated.
@Glitch and I were working on something Fate 3.0 before my life went from normal to insane mode about two years ago. Maybe he's still got it laying about and would be cool with sharing it?
That would be awesome @somasatori ... let me know if its possible. I could use a basic CoD God Machine stat system with tweaks to match a Dune setting ... it would be at least well supported code-wise and still allow for RP oriented play. Hmm.
I shall look around my external to see if I still have the decomps from the place! If not, you could definitely use CoD as a baseline and that code's pretty easy to find these days. Theno has his on git, iirc.
Yeah. And I think CoD is pretty portable to a different setting. Obviously for a Dune game, Roleplay rather than Rollplay will be the focus so I want to stay away from d20 or something ... but CoD can be very RP oriented without being too gamey. Depending on how its used.
I could see how it'd work. Instead of splats like Vampire and the like, you could replace with House, Tlielaxu, Bene Gesserit, etc., and do minor modifications to merits. Sword based fighting styles could sub in for the swordmasters of ginaz, and you could retain most of the skills without having to adjust for much. Computer would still be relevant despite the lore regarding thinking machines following the Butlerian Jihad.
I could see using some powers from the splats and converting them into purchased powers. Obfuscate 1/4 could become a power used by face changers that could just come as part of that template. Dominate could be slightly altered to fit the Bene Gesserit voice and powers of suggestion. Things like Status could be used for noble rank. If you set a cap on nobility for, say, barons below the faction leader -- you could set it so that Status 1 (Atreides) might mean a squire or non-landed knight. Status 2 being a knight, 3 being a baronette, 4 being baron, and 5 as the leader of the faction in your lore (Count, for example).
Combat is typically quick if you have a decent st running stuff and people setting up poses before their turns. I could see it working pretty well, myself.
Edit to add: on my phone. Sorry for typos and the like.
My thoughts exactly. The basic God Machine rules are pretty straightforward and easily applicable. And most people are familiar with it at this point. I'll review it this week and see how it might go. If it will work, I'll chat with @Thenomain about helping me install it. FATE is great for the game, but if code support isn't really there ... well I'm just stuck where I was last time
Thanx @somasatori for the input!
@Ataru Any time, sir! I am super excited for the possibility of a new Dune game, and if you need any help~
I'll be sure to ping you. I have txt files full of news files that just need to be edited and reviewed. Arrakeen is already a grid skeleton, the rest is easy to @dig, then its just a matter of desc'ing it. After that ... wiki work and cgen and done. I put a lot of work into it back when off-game in txt files. So it should come together quite easily. Just a couple small hurdles and making sure there's interest. I think there is from what I can tell
Thanx again!
CoD is actually a fairly solid system if you remove all the supernatural splats and abilities from it. As mortal only it's fairly balanced.
I made a Fate roller and drooled over Diaspora, but that's about as far as I ever got. There is a huge difference between the generations of Fate around Diaspora, and Fate Core, so be sure to be clear.
@Lithium said in FATE/Disapora/Similar:
CoD is actually a fairly solid system if you remove all the supernatural splats and abilities from it. As mortal only it's fairly balanced.
I concur.
@Ganymede said in FATE/Disapora/Similar:
@Lithium said in FATE/Disapora/Similar:
CoD is actually a fairly solid system if you remove all the supernatural splats and abilities from it. As mortal only it's fairly balanced.
I concur.