Apr 25, 2016, 12:00 AM

I could see how it'd work. Instead of splats like Vampire and the like, you could replace with House, Tlielaxu, Bene Gesserit, etc., and do minor modifications to merits. Sword based fighting styles could sub in for the swordmasters of ginaz, and you could retain most of the skills without having to adjust for much. Computer would still be relevant despite the lore regarding thinking machines following the Butlerian Jihad.

I could see using some powers from the splats and converting them into purchased powers. Obfuscate 1/4 could become a power used by face changers that could just come as part of that template. Dominate could be slightly altered to fit the Bene Gesserit voice and powers of suggestion. Things like Status could be used for noble rank. If you set a cap on nobility for, say, barons below the faction leader -- you could set it so that Status 1 (Atreides) might mean a squire or non-landed knight. Status 2 being a knight, 3 being a baronette, 4 being baron, and 5 as the leader of the faction in your lore (Count, for example).

Combat is typically quick if you have a decent st running stuff and people setting up poses before their turns. I could see it working pretty well, myself.

Edit to add: on my phone. Sorry for typos and the like.