It is a monthly subscription service that sends 4-6 geeky/gamer/etc times a month, one of those items being a shirt that's related to that month's theme. They often have exclusive items, like exclusive Funko!Pop figures, which makes it especially nice. If you're curious enough, there are a lot of people who do 'uncrating/opening' videos on YouTube that you can take a peek at to get a better feel for what's in them.
LootCrate Experiences
I know, I know. First a thread on Overwatch and now another about this topic. What weird and/or obscure thing will I come up with to post about next, huh?
Am curious as to who else subscribes to this service (I just set mine up today), what your overall impression of it is, what your favorite crate has been so far and other such things such as how do you display what you get, etc.
I do not know what this is.
I don't get it myself but I have friends who do (they're major Whovians) and I see the pictures posts every month. They seem to love it. I've seen very little complaints about content thus far. Maybe once or twice in a year or so, that they haven't been completely pleased.
It is a monthly subscription service that sends 4-6 geeky/gamer/etc times a month, one of those items being a shirt that's related to that month's theme. They often have exclusive items, like exclusive Funko!Pop figures, which makes it especially nice. If you're curious enough, there are a lot of people who do 'uncrating/opening' videos on YouTube that you can take a peek at to get a better feel for what's in them.
My favorite was the deadpool box, even though I don't subscribe. My friend does, and he gave me socks and a bobblehead. Adorable!
I just got my first one this past month (May, the power crate). It was worth the 19.99 just for the quality of the tee alone, even if I give no fucks about Warcraft. The oven mitt was a bit small, but the Hulk statue is in my office next to my superman bust.
A+ would subscribe again.
The nice thing about the items, in my opinion from what I've seen in videos and such, is that if something doesn't fit your liking then you can give them as gifts, like what @Kanye-Qwest's friend did with him. Even the smaller items are nice and don't scream 'cheap regift' or whatever if you were to pass them on to someone else.
Well... I loved my Labyrinth T-Shirt... and I do like the Infinity Gauntlet oven mitt. Even if it is a FIRE HAZARD and should never be used- it works as a geeky wall accessory for the kitchen. I've only been receiving Loot Crates for about two months or so, and so far I've liked the random little things I've been getting.
Also, I love making D20 ice cubes.
I loved the Deadpool boxes. I was honestly disappointed in NerdBox's Arcade box. Not very much in it. So far, LootCrate has been pretty fun. I like the little Funko!Pop and stuff I don't like gets gifted.
The Power Glove ovenmitt sees use in our house.
The price for the items received is pretty great and cheaper than buying the items alone. Not all the items are crate exclusive, some you can purchase as separate items after the exclusivity time expires. They do get some pretty awesome rare items though. I regret not picking up the Witcher crate that was out last year.
I used to subscribe to the regular LootCrate, and had no complaints other than not always appreciating/knowing what work (game, show, whatever) the item originated from. That said, I replaced it with the LootCrate ladies accessories subscription and have been thrilled with it. My Super Mario scarf is now my favorite scarf. I've never regretted subscribing to any of it.
Once I can afford more than one sub I'll be getting the LootCrate Gaming (go fig, right?) sub as well as the regular. But what I'd love to get my hands on, assuming they still have them, is that Star Wars one. Sadly, I foresee $100 being out of reach for me for the foreseeable future.
I've been getting LootCrate for about a year and a half. I really do dig it.
As someone above said, it's only a couple times a year that I'm really not that into what I get. Or I'll like all but one item in a box.
For those situations, I have a separate box I store the items in. Just because I'm not into Dr. Who, DC comics, etc... doesn't mean I don't have friends who are. This way I have handy gifts for birthday, Christmas, to cheer someone up, etc. I figure that's worth the $20~ a month. I get a fun little surprise and sometimes awesome stuff (the Labyrinth shirt really is ballin') each month and I have a stash of on-hand gifts for my geeky friends.
@Marshmallow - I keep considering the Ladies Accessories sub, but for a while it looked like it was 95% Dr. Who items.
@Auspice It definitely felt like a lot of Dr. Who at the beginning (I'm not into it either, so those were the more disappointing months) but in the past few crates there's been more variety: Nintendo, Marvel, D.C., Star Wars. So far it's been stuff like necklaces, hair ties, bracelets, and a jazzy Harley Quinn cosmetics organizer. I feel like it has improved!
I get Lootcrate anime and enjoy it. Especially the little phone charms.
I can't afford it, but I use to watch Ashens and other youtubers open em. They're hit and miss, but when they hit, they hit.
I enjoy both Loot Crate and 1 Up Box (I pre-apologize to your wallets.)
I had considered getting 1-Up Box and Nerd Box... Nerd Crate?... but I'm going to hold off for a while. LootCrate should more than suffice for now.
@Apu NerdBox's stuff is kinda hit or miss. I liked the old style comic boxes, but who knows about the new.
I've been getting LootCrate since December. My boys LOVE getting it in the mail and my youngest is always super eager to see what goodies we're getting this month. He's already jacked the DD beanie, the Warcraft shirt, the Infinity Gauntlet oven mitt, the Dr. Who socks, and all the boxes. He keeps his Lego Dimensions stuff in the boxes. My oldest has been enjoying the figures and busts that we get. He's gotten a Terminator bust, a Lady Deadpool, the Hulk, and one other that I can't recall offhand. I largely enjoy the shirts and the little comics and extras that get sent. The d20 iceball is a favorite.
Fun for the whole family!