Y'all knew it was coming. Y'all knew.
Let's get the Elephant in the room first and shoot him in the head: I am (in my own mind at least) p great at getting a game up and running. It is my thing. I am not so great (in anyone's mind) great at being the sole proprietor and caretaker of a game.
I think it would be awesome to have a full-on crossover MUSH for the Chronicles of Darkness 2nd Edition Gamelines.
For reference, they would be:
- Vampire the Requiem
- Werewolf: the Forsaken
- Beast: the Primordial
- Demon: the Descent
- Mage: the Awakening
- Hunter: the Vigil
- Changeling: the Lost
- Promethean: the Created
- God-Machine Chronicles
Here is the vague idea - We get a core group of design staff and those willing to do administrative work. I would, ideally, use @Thenomain's code because it is nearly complete for all lines and he makes it nice and user-friendly for staff.
The goal: A multi-sphere CofD game set in a persistent, shared setting with a focus on enabling crossover with a minimum of incident and drama, while allowing the various gameline themes to maintain as intact as a MUSH environment can enable. I am willing to front the cash for the server and domain, as well as be a major hand in development, particularly in the realm of the overall setting and Promethean. I can be reached here, or at sean.creef on Skype.