The WW FB page shared this survey today. It's to get feedback on what fans want them to do down the road.
Posting it in Mildly Constructive since it does rather pertain to a large chunk of MU*ing.
The WW FB page shared this survey today. It's to get feedback on what fans want them to do down the road.
Posting it in Mildly Constructive since it does rather pertain to a large chunk of MU*ing.
26. Have you played any of the following kind of games? Check all that apply.
Table Top RPG
Card Games (VTES, RAGE)
Freeform LARP
MET (Minds Eye Theatre) LARP
None of the above
We're not even on their radar.
@Arkandel said in White Wolf Survey:
26. Have you played any of the following kind of games? Check all that apply.
Table Top RPG
Card Games (VTES, RAGE)
Freeform LARP
MET (Minds Eye Theatre) LARP
None of the aboveWe're not even on their radar.
They actually reference MU*s on another page. They seem to put us in the category of console/computer games.
@Auspice It amused me when they asked where we watch movies/shows and one of the options was "free" stuff on the internet, including the quote marks.
@Arkandel said in White Wolf Survey:
@Auspice It amused me when they asked where we watch movies/shows and one of the options was "free" stuff on the internet, including the quote marks.
I had a giggle at that, myself.
It's not a bad survey. I think the main thing they want to get from it is which products to focus on (by asking what games you've played and which of those are your favorite) and what product areas they should focus in.
The latter won't affect us (tho I'd be interested to see some new video game attempts), but the former will. I just answered most questions from a tabletop point of view (and TT was how I first played WoD games).
@Arkandel It did ask about Muds/Mushes later. But yeah, I noticed that as well.
I'm glad they're aware of the format and actually pay attention to it. I had a good convo with one of the developers ages and ages ago and at the time they really had no idea how popular the format for play had become.
I find if interesting that their "what best describes your marital status" question allows for polyamory but has no option that involves being in a relationship, unmarried, but living with your significant other:
I would just assume they're talking about married vs unmarried, except for the fact that other options exist to indicate being in a relationship but not married.
@Apocalycious said in White Wolf Survey:
I find if interesting that their "what best describes your marital status" question allows for polyamory but has no option that involves being in a relationship, unmarried, but living with your significant other:
- Single
- In a relationship but not living together
- In a domestic partnership or civil union
- Married
- Multiple consensual partners
- I would rather not answer
I would just assume they're talking about married vs unmarried, except for the fact that other options exist to indicate being in a relationship but not married.
Their gender options were also good.
However, I think in this case: 'domestic partnership' = living with your SO.
You're probably right about that, but it's a poor choice of wording if that's what they mean. In many places, like here in California, domestic partnership is a specific legal status with certain requirements that many people living together with their SO don't meet.
@Apocalycious said in White Wolf Survey:
You're probably right about that, but it's a poor choice of wording if that's what they mean. In many places, like here in California, domestic partnership is a specific legal status with certain requirements that many people living together with their SO don't meet.
Does it? I wasn't aware of that! I know 'civil union' is in many places, but I didn't know domestic partnership was also its own legality thing.
It does. In California, for instance, it requires a court order establishing domestic partnership:
edit: sorry, didn't read closely enough. It only requires a court order if you're under 18, but it still involves registering
Yeah, I was briefly confused by the Domestic Partnership thing myself, but decided it was close enough for government work. ^^
Did they finally share this? Dope. I got it in an email a couple weeks ago. Yay MUSH ref. Yay Promethean ref
@tragedyjones said in White Wolf Survey:
Did they finally share this? Dope. I got it in an email a couple weeks ago. Yay MUSH ref. Yay Promethean ref
Yeah, posted to their FB today.
"Anita Riceverse". I giggled.