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Tumblr: http://lostandfoundmux.tumblr.com/
► IDW Transformers game looking for players
► AU launch of the Lost Light
► Autobots, Neutrals, and Decepticons together on one seriously conflicted crew.
The quantum spaceship the Lost Light launched in February, and it's been chaos ever since: accidents with the quantum engines, a planet-eating space vampire bird, rifts between realities, a visit to a dystopian future, all while dogged by agents of the insane Chief Justice Tyrest -- not to mention the monster in the basement!
But we've saved the day, and with our first season over, it's time for season two! Check out Transformers: Lost and Found for a fun-filled vacation tour of the Cybertronian colonies where absolutely nothing goes wrong, no one dies, and nothing bad happens.*
Transformers: Lost and Found MUX is a Transformers roleplaying game based in the IDW canon following The Death of Optimus Prime and drawing tonal inspiration from Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye.
* Not guaranteed to be accurate. Disaster basically unavoidable. You've been warned.