Jun 1, 2017, 1:15 AM

@Pandora I'll message you a private response because I'm irked with a bit of your response.

Stats: It's very easy to gain a lot of XP per week, and there are significant gainers per week. Look at the reports that are posted. We're nearly at the 200xp 40xp a week realm. That's a big problem and from the discussions on channels, it's easy to see that people do become masters of everything because there is nothing throttling them. You're at folks aiming for 6's.

Cost to Actions: The siege showed a huge amount of available cash, players talked in journals/RP and channels that while there was a large force around the city, there really wasn't an experience of a siege. Sure, you had Bringers and their ilk pop up on events from time to time, but Team Enemy experienced a lot of losses with their special NPC's, what did the players experience except off camera forces lost? You should as a player enjoy that challenge has a risk/reward that is equal otherwise just roll a dice and select the winning pose from a list.

Social: Then why have socio/economic classes in a pretendy game if it means nothing? You should have constraints, there should be expectations upheld on appropriate behavior. Otherwise, wipe it out and everyone is the same. I enjoyed playing a steward, it was terrific fun. But the amount of nobility crossing social boundaries showed that the players themselves don't understand it, but then again it is a fantasy and they're desiring to act out their fantasy for entertainment. That's why you don't see anyone make a fuss about it IC but it consistently pops up OOCly, because people are playing a fantasy and don't want to deal with the reality of limitations on a game. Nobles should have stewards, they should have persons that bridge the gaps of society which in turns creates more RP and begins including others outside your normal A to B RP.

Cliques: @Apos does a great job being inclusive, and the game is great at addressing issues around agency which is a huge breath of fresh air. Just because something exists currently doesn't mean that it is okay, and if we have the ability to change it, why not?

Animals: Now that you made me irritated and bitchy, I'll just say that I'm sick of seeing so many animals follow people around like they are a Disney princess in a movie about to sing away their troubles. STAWP. It'd be great if there was a +followers/squelch command so you wouldn't see any followers on anyone in a room or +messenger/denyanimal, because who wants to have a snake or lemur bite them.

*Edited xp! Thanks voice of reason!