So, as it turns out, I have a life, and I can't really spend hours every day on a MU* anymore. It's actually the reason I can't tabletop, either.
Is there a place to the effect of MUDConnector or MU Soapbox that covers play-by-post games?
So, as it turns out, I have a life, and I can't really spend hours every day on a MU* anymore. It's actually the reason I can't tabletop, either.
Is there a place to the effect of MUDConnector or MU Soapbox that covers play-by-post games?
@Sandor Is there a reason (maybe the admins wouldn't like it?) we can't run PBP games on MSB? Maybe a forum just for that kind of thing would work.
@Sandor said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
So, as it turns out, I have a life, and I can't really spend hours every day on a MU* anymore. It's actually the reason I can't tabletop, either.
Is there a place to the effect of MUDConnector or MU Soapbox that covers play-by-post games?
MU Soapbox has play-by-post forums. Not sure they get any use.
RP Online, IIRC, is all play-by-post.
@Arkandel said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
@Sandor Is there a reason (maybe the admins wouldn't like it?) we can't run PBP games on MSB? Maybe a forum just for that kind of thing would work.
I think it's allowed but it's largely inactive. The last post on that forum was from 8mo ago.
@Coin said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
@Sandor said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
So, as it turns out, I have a life, and I can't really spend hours every day on a MU* anymore. It's actually the reason I can't tabletop, either.
Is there a place to the effect of MUDConnector or MU Soapbox that covers play-by-post games?
MU Soapbox has play-by-post forums. Not ssure they get any use.
RP Online, IIRC, is all play-by-post.
I don't think they do. I'm just surprised that such a common way of playing has gone under the radar so thoroughly. I mean, MUDConnector is a veritable encyclopedia of obscure-ass MU*'s that get practically no play at all, and here we are with a mode of play that I can't find an analogue to that for.
@Sandor So be the change you want in the world. Start a campaign.
Build a Jcink Forum?
There's a ton of RP via dreamwidth journals. It's not something I've tried, so can't direct you to a game, but it's been mentioned on this board a time or two, by folks who're more involved in it, as an option.
I'd probably be done for some sort of play-by-post game on here. Depending on the genre, rules, and stuff. Back in the day I used to do a lot, lot, lot of play by post. It's how I got into RP.
@Cobaltasaurus I've gone the exact opposite route. I have so many obligations and things I simply need to do, that I can't make time to sit down for a solid five hours and roleplay with my friends, in person or online. I can find the time throughout the day to write a few good posts, but huge blocks of time are kind of out of the question.
It's relegated me to flipping through sourcebooks for games I'll never play, reading people's logs on sites, and shitposting on forums about a hobby I can't participate in. It's kind of sad. It's like the loss of an old friend or the fading of a marriage, not by the death of that friend, but by drifting apart.
So, uh, to dispense with the melodrama. I'm definitely interested in finding some good PbP.
I could probably dig out an old Mage: the Awakening campaign, and run something. Likely just use for dice rolling, and an honor system.
@Cobaltasaurus No, it's not a typo. I'm a newbie at 2E.
So, back on topic. How hard is it to install NodeBB?
Can a mod please split the derailment part off to a new thread?
Also please purge the new thread with fire if it's not too much trouble.
Locking this thread to split it. I'll unlock afterwards.
I've put this topic back into Mildly Constructive. Please keep it that way. If you find yourself veering, do it elsewhere.
@Sandor Not very. They're designed specifically to be easy to install, and this has been the case for the past decade, decade and a half, really.
@Sandor said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
RP Online, IIRC, is all play-by-post.
I don't think they do. I'm just surprised that such a common way of playing has gone under the radar so thoroughly. I mean, MUDConnector is a veritable encyclopedia of obscure-ass MU*'s that get practically no play at all, and here we are with a mode of play that I can't find an analogue to that for.
I was curious so I googled and looks like @coin is right, has a few thousand play by post games going. Weird interface, had to click at bottom and search, but I think that's what you're looking for.
@Sandor said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
So, as it turns out, I have a life, and I can't really spend hours every day on a MU* anymore. It's actually the reason I can't tabletop, either.
Is there a place to the effect of MUDConnector or MU Soapbox that covers play-by-post games? is dedicated mostly to play-by-post rp.
I've been looking at options for something kinda 'play by wiki'. I want to make that at least an option for stuff I'm developing, mostly based on this same general need/concept.
If I come up with something, I'll add it here.
It would be relatively easy to do without any special bells and whistles, with people just taking turns editing the page, but there are some minor tweaks to that for flow/format/etc. that might make the experience a little easier and cleaner and prevent potential conflicting edits if people are writing at the same time/etc. I'd like to explore before actually testing it out.
It'd be a nice way to integrate various kinds of content, too.