Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox
@surreality This might be helpful for you, not sure if it's what you're going for. But one handy thing in evennia is automatically being attached to a web framework (django), in that the DB for the MU and web are shared so that as players update post like things in game it can automatically populate on the web. Like we have characters writing public notes about other characters, and then it populates on their page, and visible story dialogues going, and might move to a tumblr-like IC format. That might feel a little more intuitive to some people than editing a wiki, so might capture what you are shooting for, in having a Play-by-post type format existing alongside of a MU proper.
@Apos That's definitely an option. It may not be much of one on my end, since while I'm a relatively OK wiki coder, I am very much not a coder.
I know there are ways of getting decent MUX/wiki integration that can be further explored -- I just don't really have the skills to accomplish that, unfortunately.
One of the options with wiki uses the 'input box' extension, which comes bundled with mediawiki now. I use it for a comments/bug/feature request thing on BITN's, and have managed to rig it up for something rumors-like elsewhere. It essentially creates a new 'section' on a pre-defined page, and lets people just enter text in a page box. It's super simple, and doesn't require any fancy code at all. It's just a matter of setting up the css to do it, really, in a way that formats something that looks less awkward than its defaults, I think.
@surreality said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
I've been looking at options for something kinda 'play by wiki'. I want to make that at least an option for stuff I'm developing, mostly based on this same general need/concept.
I've always kind of wanted to see this tried on games. A wiki is theoretically just as useable for it as a forum or gdoc or journal, if the players involved make an effort not to edit over each other (and I suspect this'd be most useful for small scenes anyway), so I can't think of a reason not to use it in this way.
@surreality said in Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox:
I've been looking at options for something kinda 'play by wiki'. I want to make that at least an option for stuff I'm developing, mostly based on this same general need/concept.
If I come up with something, I'll add it here.
It would be relatively easy to do without any special bells and whistles, with people just taking turns editing the page, but there are some minor tweaks to that for flow/format/etc. that might make the experience a little easier and cleaner and prevent potential conflicting edits if people are writing at the same time/etc. I'd like to explore before actually testing it out.
It'd be a nice way to integrate various kinds of content, too.
I actually came up with this exact idea independently years ago. The part where I faulted was where I couldn't come up with good rules for how it's done. It was just "make stuff up about this setting until there's a dispute, then mods get involved."
I know that Google Wave, when it was still up, was used for roleplaying because it was like a combination of wiki, collaborative writing, and chat. I really wish they would bring that back.
@Bug-In-A-Jar With the way people set up wikis for existing games, the basics for the setting (any necessary canon, systems, links to dice rollers since sadly the experiments in that for wiki are not super viable yet, etc.) can go on the same site, really.
The cool thing is that you could technically link to location pages, character pages, any visual reference material/etc. right on the wiki, too.
The input box extension could handle adding poses to a page without things crossing or screwing up edits, since they're technically added as a new page section with its own distinct title/etc., so even if two people are editing at the same time, the wiki is handling the edits almost like two different pages are being edited.
The sad thing is less live chat options, compared to what you're describing. Most of the chat extensions for mediawiki I've seen are not per-page based, but are more a 'everyone logged into the wiki is in one chat room' type deal. Which could work, but is a bit meh.
@surreality A wiki game? Just take my fucking money.
@Sandor I'm gonna try and set up some stuff like this for the place I'm slowly tinkering on; I'll have a copy of the templates and stuff up there if you want to copy them over for a place. Setting a wiki up on digitalocean is SUPER easy -- and if it isn't a mux alongside it, even easier than the tut in the tuts section. I'll ping here when I have something workable and grabbable up.
@surreality Yeah, I'm sure it's manageable, I just don't want to administrate anything. Were you planning on running some kind of WoD wiki game?
@Sandor Not WoD, no. I'm working on an original system thing, and want to have 'play by wiki' as an option for it. If someone does want to set up a WoD that way, I can wiki it up to a certain extent (though sadly not soon, even my project is in slow motion with RL work) and get the stuff required for the basics on PbW to function, though.
(I'm aiming for something a little more camp/adventure/less grimdark than the typical WoD. It's horror, it's just more League of Extraordinary Gentlemen/Penny Dreadful-ish in intended vibe than it is Underworld.)
@surreality Could be fun.
Also, I can do wiki stuff just fine. And I can write the PHP that underlies it if need be for rad modz son.
@Bug-In-A-Jar said in [Play-by-post analog to MUSoapbox](/topic/1035/play-by-post-analog-
I know that Google Wave, when it was still up, was used for roleplaying because it was like a combination of wiki, collaborative writing, and chat. I really wish they would bring that back.
Were it not for the long-standing policy I have of never, ever, in a million fucking years, aiding and abetting a *channer in anything I could point you to where a Wave-like site run.
Sadly this policy interferes because I don't like helping sociopaths along.
@WTFE If you're going to be so niggardly with your input, take it to the Hog Pit. This isn't *chan, after all. We have standards here.