Fuck this guy
This critter doxxed the guy who hosts my game, under the impression that he is me, and tried to get players to harass me by telephoning our host.
Not sure where this sort of thing belongs, or if it's even proper soapbox use.
@il-volpe said in Fuck this guy:
This critter doxxed the guy who hosts my game, under the impression that he is me, and tried to get players to harass me by telephoning our host.
Not sure where this sort of thing belongs, or if it's even proper soapbox use.
doxxed? You mean DoSSed? Any proof the site was under attack?
If so, you may have the site owner bring in the authorities, as DoSing is a federal crime.
I mean that he found the name, address and telephone number of the person who holds the account that hosts us and reported them to me to be threatening (because he thinks this person is me) and told the OOC room the telephone number and told them to call it.
And he's vandalized our wiki.
Prolly no point in mentioning them further, really.
Man, I hate this person! To vandalize the wiki! A wiki that has grown over the many years, with so many character pages, family trees, and not mention all the logs! I hope it will be possible to restore it all.
I'm speechless.
What in the actual hell inspired somebody to be so fucking crazy? (@il-volpe, I know you are a sweetheart and doubtless didn't do anything screwy, but I'm curious what this dude freaked out so badly over, and if it's something like 'was not allowed to play a unicorn'.)
People are dicks.
Sadly this isn't anything new online. Happens all the time in video gaming; posting personal information and death threats when moderated, or they don't get something they want. Some of the bigger people on Youtube habitually call out people they think are "bad" (or just simply don't like, when you have hundreds of thousands of followers it's easy to get that information out there.) Hell SWATTing is a thing (people call the police while someone is livestreaming and say something like "This guy has a knife and is hurting people!" when in reality are playing a rogue in WoW.)
I'm just surprised given some of the people in this hobby that it's not really happened before now.
@il-volpe You can probably get your number changed if it gets bad because of harassment, and they likely won't charge you, if it gets that bad. Sorry to hear that it happened at all.
@Insomnia I still can't believe people are generally not prosecuted for the SWAT shit. That blows my fucking mind. Talk about something that should land someone in prison for pretty much ever, as it is not only horrifying levels of harassment, but is putting people at risk in more ways than I can count. (The people in the home, the authorities, and the people that might be harmed while the authorities are having their time and resources wasted.) Sadly it will be unlikely to ever be recognized for the issue it is until somebody actually fucking dies, which is only a matter of time.
@surreality Cops in general don't know how to deal with online stuff. There are people online with millions of followers who have basically gotten those followers from bullying people online. or communities like have been mentioned in the fanbase entitlement thread, driving people to suicide over fan art.
Some people have been prosecuted for SWATTing, but the internet is basically the Wild West - except there are hardly any sheriffs around and the ones who are don't even take a loaded gun to the standoff with the bad guys.
I can't imagine going to school today where everyone has a cell phone. All the people who think it's cute to mention what sized dump their kids took today, or people who check in everywhere they go. Leaving any sort of presence online really isn't safe. Because people are dicks.
@Lyanna He fucked up the wiki pretty damn good, and I'm pretty cheesed off at wikidot for having default settings that let a non-admin do permanent deletions. Between the Wayback Machine and google's cache reclaiming all the content has been no real problem, and in contrast to his ravings, people like the game enough that a couple of clever players have restored the functions and templates and shit he broke. He did pretty well at targeting shit that it'd be a pain to do without.
@surreality GoB has a mini-grid for Starfall, in Dorne. This is about two days away on a boat, a week or so on horseback. We don't do travel-times, they keep people out of RP, but I did tell folks to keep it in mind and not travel back and forth all the time. This player had a PC who was hopping back and forth every 4-8 days for a couple of weeks. (This hopping creates the impression that he's around both areas most of the time, and thus he's able to Win Friends and Influence People freely in both areas, when in IC reality he'd be traveling most of the time, so this is a no-go.) I paged him and told him to stop doing it. He had an unholy shit fit and badgered me about it for three hours. As best I can understand it, he believes that by paging him asking him to stop doing something I was actually inflicting a terrible punishment upon him, and that this was terribly unfair, because there was no written rule about the matter. This vulgar tirade also included a bit I mentioned elsewhere on the forums, where he looked at the logs and found everybody who'd had two alts in one scene, which is allowed by dispensation which may or may not be recorded in the log, and told me they should be punished, not he, and also he looked for everybody who has an unactive alt (keeping all your alts active was, actually, a written rule on the wiki, but I never enforced it, don't care, and took it out then) and told me they should be punished, not he. Also, I am really bad at everything related to running a game, and also, he is a proud rules-lawyer. During the course of this I told him three times to log off, and booted him when he wouldn't, only to have him bounce back on and continue, etc. Eventually he left, probably because I stopped paying attention.
Because I am some sort of card-carrying bleeding heart, I figured I would not let him bury himself off the game in one evening, maybe his dog just died or something, and I would speak to him again. He logged in and logged off in the same second or two a couple of times. The next time I actually typed fast enough to catch him, he was rude again, and logged off. Also, I'd had a well-loved player tell me that they knew him from some other games and were creeped out to realise it was him. So I unapproved him.
He kept logging on and logging off super-quick, for weeks on end. And posted an advert for 'MUSH of the Dead' where I believe he claims to be staff.
Tonight, I happened to be quick enough to tell him to go away, and point out that he was unapproved. So he spazzed out again, and has now shouted out the address and telephone number of our host, to the OOC room, and fucked over the wiki, and was threatening to keep coming back to make my life miserable. Though when he popped back a couple of hours later I fucked up his char-bit so he can't communicate, and he disconnected and didn't come back as a guest, to my mild surprise.
@il-volpe said in Fuck this guy:
This is about two days away on a boat, a week or so on horseback. We don't do travel-times, they keep people out of RP, but I did tell > folks to keep it in mind and not travel back and forth all the time. This player had a PC who was hopping back and forth every 4-8 days > for a couple of weeks. (This hopping creates the impression that he's around both areas most of the time, and thus he's able to Win > Friends and Influence People freely in both areas, when in IC reality he'd be traveling most of the time, so this is a no-go.)
Probably figured the game had TV show physics. Some people really got around, especially last season.
@il-volpe If I knew a single thing about wikidot, I would offer to help with whatever security measures I could offer there. (Sadly, I only know how to handle that for mediawiki.
) Because that's just... I would be Ms. Murderbot, and have already blocked those IPs on my wiki. (Because fuck that guy.)
Did they mention who the creeper was, as in... was it one of the infamous creepers of legend? The behavior sounds eerily familiar.
@Insomnia Sure. I wasn't upset with him for doing that, I was just telling him it was a no-go. I expected I might have to explain to him why you can't just bounce back and forth so frequently, and possibly give him some hard-and-fast rule about how frequently is okay if he proved unable to be reasonable about it by himself like everybody else, but I didn't expect a GM act of saying, "Naw, you can't do that," would be taken as some sort of vicious assault.
@surreality The player who knew him from somewhere else isn't on, or I'd ask his other handles. Soooooon.
@il-volpe I just checked. Seems logs and char pages are still there. And thanks to your work and that of others the wiki is recovering.
Still... fuck that guy.
@Lyanna Yeah. He pulled the code that made the log page and some other self-populating things work, and a bunch of random house pages.
http://mutantmush.wikidot.com/sin -
@Insomnia Well, the number he has isn't mine, it's the guy who owns the hosting account, and mostly pays for it. I expect nothing will come of it because of geography and phone service pricing as well as bravado.
@il-volpe said in Fuck this guy:
@Lyanna Yeah. He pulled the code that made the log page and some other self-populating things work, and a bunch of random house pages.
I added some code back in to the log page, listing logs. Also Recent Changes page.
@Lyanna You're awesome.
An aside, this really cracked me up:
Varys says, "Generally a good idea not to piss off people who work in IT Gash, you dumb fuck."
Anybody familiar with MUSH of the Dead (http://mushofthedead.com/)?
I'd like to know if this particular brand of fuck is staffing on other games, or alternatively if he's incorrectly attaching himself to another game.