Good Things
I got my dog a new harness for walks. It looks like a dress. It has a matching leash. I'm so damned ridiculous it hurts.
I also have my bag that matches my hair ordered and heirloom yogurt cultures for making my own yogurt.
This post brought to you by the letters W and G as this is some serious white girl bullshit.
That.. that poor dog.
That's abuse!
@Corruption Dude, belated as it is, that is kickass. Congrats.
@Arkandel Look at that face. She looks abused. She's totally a designer breed too, not a free off the side of the road sad puppy. I'm sure beagle/cockapoos are going to be a new trend. Totally. Right?
I've two rescued mutts. I like to think of their breeds as unique.
Aww. :3 What a cute puppy.
Good Things need to be revived. After almost 3 straight weeks of many things kicking my ass (and stomp kicking me while down for good measure), today has been an awesome day.
Today a 3rd grade boy came into the library where I work and gave me a loaf of chocolate raspberry bread and told me that it was a gift to show appreciation for the work I've done at the library and in other areas of my community. And while the world is full of some pretty jerk-like people (and the internet is particularly populated by them, as we all know), this little boy has devoted himself to being nice and thanking people that he sees as not getting the appreciation he believes that they should. His mother told me that he was spending his Spring Break from school visiting a number of businesses and individuals and passing out certificates for free meals, cookies and baked goods with money that he had raised himself. (He's a farm kid, he has his own chicken coop and sells the eggs and then uses all the money he makes to buy gifts for people.)
There's something to be said for a small gesture of appreciation.
Also, someone brought a new puppy to visit in the library. Tiny, fuzzy black mutt with puppy breath and OMG cute.
Wow. That kid sounds like he should get some sort of good Samaritan recognition or something. That's awesome.
Good things for me: I get out of the toxic hellhole I was working in as a reasonable accommodation for my new disability. This is like, THE BEST THING EVER.
As of this morning at 10a, I am now an Augmented Human Being. @HelloRaptor says I can't call myself a cyborg because the pump is not actually installed in place of my useless pancreas, but I'll accept auggie instead.
I've been accepted into DARS, and will continue to get therapy while I get help looking for a job where I won't burn down the building or become a depressed shell of my former self. Whoop.
I'm not sad and I fit into a size medium Kors dress. Yay?
Sent 10 or so resumes, got one interview, got the offer letter same night. Yay! Still gives me enough time to finish school quickly, gives me an active company on my resume (most of my old jobs sold the businesses and closed shortly there after), and it's super casual. Shorts and espadrilles all day every day. And they didn't say a thing about my teal/mint mermaid hair. Never never never go from pink to blue. Just never dye your hair blue. It would be purple to pink fade but my new growth won't take hair color. (This is not a good thing. This is an annoying thing but whatever)
A new computer replacing a 6 year old one that is, to be honest, doing well.
It was almost $500 off.
Considering that it's a rMBP, this is a rBFD.
My eyes thank me.
My credit cards don't. -
After replacing my motherboard (and, given the opportunity, cpu) then power supply for my PC which got fried a few weeks ago, I now strongly suspect the initial problem was a crappy power bar.
In retrospect I should have bought a UPS. Bah.
Story of Seasons out today. Gonna faaaaaaaarm. I sent out my yarn for the yarn exchange. I hope they like it.
My family is going to be able to keep me from becoming homeless until I can go back to work. Yay. Here, have a poem. This poem qualifies as a good thing:
The Thing Is, by Ellen Bass
to love life, to love it even
when you have no stomach for it
and everything you've held dear
crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,
your throat filled with the silt of it.
When grief sits with you, its tropical heat
thickening the air, heavy as water
more fit for gills than lungs;
when grief weights you like your own flesh
only more of it, an obesity of grief,
you think, How can a body withstand this?
Then you hold life like a face
between your palms, a plain face,
no charming smile, no violet eyes,
and you say, yes, I will take you
I will love you, again. -
Got a call from work today, where I've been cashiering for the last 8+ months. Tomorrow, I fill out paperwork to get started on moving to the customer service desk (which nets me a 50-cent raise); in addition, I'll also be placed in a secondary job category to work in the Electronics department. Good times.
Lawyers are still tremendous assholes who will waste your time on a whim.
I guess that's not good news, but it's good to know that, no matter the vagaries of life, some things remain the same.
@Ganymede said:
Lawyers are still tremendous assholes who will waste your time on a whim.
Because Lawyers are alpha nerds, and any alpha-nerd will waste your time on a whim. I was pulled into an argument by an alpha Linux nerd as to why I wasn't using virtual desktops.
Some of you may have been following the saga of the cathaport that I have been going through, which was delaying things for ages. Good news is that despite only one treatment about 2 months ago my main tumor is looking smaller than it was in October
Huzzah! If it keeps going this good I may get years out of this treatment. Fingers crossed.