@derp The big-toothed zippered ones are what we have. Fantastic bags.
Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@derp The big-toothed zippered ones are what we have. Fantastic bags.
Atlassian passed. They liked me, but as I was concerned about... my database knowledge was too rusty. So I'll keep an eye on any openings they may have that would be a better fit.
Ah well.
I'm currently at urgent care for my hand. At least it's not pulling a car at the shop and is at least in a fair bit of pain today (don't you hate when that happens? You finally go to the doctor for something and it feels better that day so you feel like a dolt?).
Other walk/runners:
So my old shoes were causing me a lot of foot pain. Obvs. primarily because the soles were one bad day from full on holes in them. So my Xmas gift to myself (over Black Friday sales) were new shoes. Most days it's like walking on clouds in comparison.
...except about a half mile into my walk each day, I get severe pain in the outside of my arch in my right foot. Once I'm a half-hour (ish) into resting, it goes away and I'm good the rest of the day. I've been rubbing my foot out at night, but it just has not gone away.
Anyone dealt with similar?
@auspice Are you stretching before you walk? Alternately, is that arch higher than the other?
@darinelle said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@auspice Are you stretching before you walk? Alternately, is that arch higher than the other?
I've been stretching throughout my mornings before I get to my walk. As for higher than the other- not sure. I had really high arches as a kid/teen, but they're not nearly so anymore.
@auspice You might have something like a higher arch on one side, or a lower arch on that side that the sole is pressing into too much, causing a bruise. Or you might have a bone spur (which suuuuuuuuck). Maybe a podiatrist could help (with the usual caveats for "I hope you have insurance" and "omg specialists are expensive")
If this isn’t a common problem, see a doctor. It sounds like your new shoes have hard and flat soles. May want to get inserts or liners.
<grumbles> Dealing with some right shoulder pain for the first time ever. I suspect it's my squat grip that's to blame since I had been closing it more. But it's been bugging me for two weeks now, and that's really annoying because I never had issues there.
Tired of being minorly sick. Nothing anywhere near as bad as everything everyone has posted, but:
Was in Vietnam for three weeks in December. Was fine there. Got a bad headcold promptly upon returning to the States (12/28), and dealt with that for a week. The very day the cold ebbed, a tropical bacterium foot infection cropped up. Last Friday, I couldn't walk on my right foot, because I had just been to the doctor's for the ulcer that was on my second toe from the infection, and she had it drained. I've been on antibacterials for a week, and it /was/ clearing up, but yesterday it returned with a vengeance. I can walk -- it doesn't hurt as bad as it did when I had the ulcer drained -- but there are a lot of nerves in your feet, and so I'm getting constant reminders that, yeah, the SOB is still there.
It's just annoying, but I'd like some breathing room!
@faceless said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I'm not entirely sure if this is the right thread? But it seems an adult enough topic, I guess?
The Dollar Shave Club. Anyone here use it? Is it worth it? I go through razors like mad some months. On top of routine maintenance, I periodically use a razor to shave my head so if I do that three or four times a month because I just like the look? That runs through razors pretty quickly.
I think at present I spend about $30 or so on blades and sundries per month? So if anyone uses Dollar Shave Club, is it worth it?
I use the dollar shave club and it’s great. I don’t even think about replacement blades ever anymore because they just show up. For me it’s been a great change that’s saved me a ton money vs buying Gillette razors in the store.
It bugs me when people who know better have huge blindspots about how their behavior.
For example a coworker who's really a very nice guy spots me drinking a protein shake.
"Hey, you have one of these every day?"
"Yeah, I have one around this time to hit my macros."
"These things make more work for your kidneys you know."
"It'd just food, man. It's just a more convenient way to eat food."
"Yeah, but your kidneys."Dude, if you spotted someone eating a chocolate or granola bar you wouldn't even think about going over to tell them your opinion of its effects on their health - I know you wouldn't. Why pick on this?
Similarly, and I've seen this happen almost exclusively coming from women, and it's typically a celebrity or actress.
"Ugh, that girl is skinny! She needs to eat a sandwich."
There is no way they'd ever say "that girl is overweight, she needs to stop eating sandwiches". What gives?
@arkandel said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
"Ugh, that girl is skinny! She needs to eat a sandwich."
There is no way they'd ever say "that girl is overweight, she needs to stop eating sandwiches". What gives?
Not around you. You're a guy.
But trust me: they say this all the time.
@ganymede said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@arkandel said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
"Ugh, that girl is skinny! She needs to eat a sandwich."
There is no way they'd ever say "that girl is overweight, she needs to stop eating sandwiches". What gives?
Not around you. You're a guy.
But trust me: they say this all the time.
They do.
Or they find way to subtly nitpick the way you eat your sandwiches. Particularly relatives.My mother, who after her weight loss surgery still weighs more than I do, is still trying to convince me that I should get weight loss surgery.
And I've been around the women who will try telling you how you should check out this or that fad diet. They may not be telling you directly to stop eating sandwiches, but they're telling you.
@auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
My mother, who after her weight loss surgery still weighs more than I do, is still trying to convince me that I should get weight loss surgery.
My mother, a fierce Chinese woman of 5 feet and 100 pounds, is more than happy to tell me how much weight I need to lose every damn time we meet. And then she makes dinner for my family that includes macaroni and cheese and other stuff that is very much not conducive to weight loss.
I love her to bits.
But it's only out of concern for your health, of course!
I actually went a good few weeks without a migraine. It was nice!
Today I have one. And right after I had a lovely fibro-free, well-rested day, too. Go figure. I'll just grit my teeth through the workday, reminiscing about how lovely yesterday was.
(Here's hoping the emergency migraine pill works. They usually don't, but maybe today's the day!)
@ganymede said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
My mother, a fierce Chinese woman of 5 feet and 100 pounds, is more than happy to tell me how much weight I need to lose every damn time we meet. And then she makes dinner for my family that includes macaroni and cheese and other stuff that is very much not conducive to weight loss.
I love her to bits.My personal favorite version of this is when my grandmother would gripe about my weight when I was younger, and then insist I eat all the leftovers because she cooked enough to feed twenty people when there were four of us there.
I fucking wonder how that happened, grams.
@derp said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I fucking wonder how that happened, grams.
Fuck you, gramma. I have diabetes because of you.
Fuck you, gramma.
I managed to get my shit under control and dodge that particular bullet, thankfully.
So for the last couple years, my tax returns have been... disappointing, to say the least.
2015 tax year: Had to pay (went up in income / moved states).
2016 tax year: Began school too late in the year for the tax credit (so got a rather pathetic return; less than $100).Which meant I just... really wasn't expecting much. At all.
I just finished my taxes. I'm getting enough that I can get a car. I can get the cheap sort with low monthly payments I've been planning... and still have money left over.
I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a dream or something and I won't wake up.