[Request] Good AnomalyJobs tutorials?
So I'm trying to dig through AnomalyJobs. Reading the documentation is like reading the techical manual for the industrial printers at my old job (and those were in badly-translated Chinese-to-English crazy). Anyone who has a sane set of AnomalyJobs tutorials or can write some (general topics including creating new buckets, assigning buckets, and easy AJ hacks) would be the bestest person in the world.
What are you wanting to do, specifically?
I think he probably just wants a quick run-through of creating a bucket, setting up jgroups and little tricks of the trade that might help make using it easier (maybe /cc or whatever?).
More or less. Like, I get the basics of it through the help file, I just keep looking at it and going 'ehhh?' on a couple things. In particular, though, yeah. shortcuts and little tricks that people have picked up for managing the jobs and doing customizing to it. I know it seems like a dumb question (and probably is, I'll chalk it up to braindead or dumbness of my part). -
The help stuff for Anomaly is confusing.
I can do that, but not tonight. So if someone else gets to it first, whee! Otherwise sometime this week I can write something up.